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The Meeting...

Your dad had just snapped again. It was a week after school had started. You decided to take a walk to get out of the house. You put your earbuds in and started listening to music while your tears fell.

It had been 4 months since your mom died. Your dad was still mad about it. You turned the long way.

A certain song came on that you last sang and danced to with your mom. You started crying again.

Suddenly, a man stops you. He looks drunk. You pause the song and unplug an earbud.

"Hey pretty lady." You try to free your wrist, but you couldn't get out of his strong grip.

"Where are you trying to go?" He pulls you and put his arm around your neck.

"Let- go!"

In the distance, Jungkook hears you. He was about to throw his basketball in the hoop before he looked and saw the man pulling you. He quickly ran.

He recognized you from school, and all the walks you took. He had seen you before crying, or with scars in the past few months. Once he got to you, you immediately recognized him.

"Let her go man, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Oh, and who are you, her boyfriend?"

The man laughs, all until Jungkook decks him in the nose. The man let's go.

Jungkook goes over and towers over him. "Hm? I didn't hear you." The man shook his head and ran off.

Jungkook turned back to you. You were on the ground with tear stained cheeks and a red mark around your neck. He reached his hand out to you.

"Hey, are you okay?"

You nodded. He looked at you seriously.

"You sure?"

You nod again.

"Oh, well, my names Jeongguk, but everyone calls me Jungkook. You go to my school right?"

"Yeah. I'm (Y/N)."

He shows a small smile. "Okay well, you should get home. It's getting dark so all the creeps are out. I'll see you around."

You nod. "Yeah, thank you by the way."


No problem. Just be safe out there."

You nod and walked back home, where you didn't want to be. The moment you walked inside, you heard your dad in the kitchen.

You quietly closed the doors and tried to sneak pass him up the stairs.

He started yelling, "Hey! Where have you been?"

You walked back down. "I just went on a walk."

He got closer to you. You tried to back up, but hit a wall.

He put his hand around your throat. "Drop that attitude. You always go on walks, why don't you just run away already?!" He let you go and walked back into the kitchen. You ran upstairs and locked yourself in your bedroom.

Unlikely Pair | Jungkook X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now