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The day consisted of Jungkook and I getting to know more about each other and running around to random places doing random things. The next morning would be the drive home, full of nothing but dread. I had to go home, it wasn't something I could escape. All my stuff was there, and my dad would probably write a missing child report. I couldn't sleep with all these thoughts flowing through my head. What would happen when I got home?

I must've had a bad dream because I woke up almost screaming. Jungkook jumped and then sat up, looking over to me with a tired and concerned expression.

"What's wrong?"

A part of me didn't have the guts to tell him that all this hard work of planning and making sure I had a good time wasn't going to last.

When I didn't respond, he got up and walked over to the fridge.

"I'm guessing stress nightmares?"

I take a second and nod. He brings me back a water bottle and sits down next to me.

"Well, don't worry. I'm sure it'll be fine."

I nod and take a big sip of water. It was gonna be rough.

I must've fallen asleep on Jungkook because I woke up with his arm around me. It was kinda awkward, but I didn't mind it all that much. It was 11:30, and I knew Jungkook was gonna be upset about that. I quickly woke him up and got up to change.

"Jungkook, time."

He looked over to the clock and widened his eyes, jumping out of bed. Neither of us cared enough to realize we were changing in the same room until we were out to the car with all our stuff. We just laughed it off awkwardly. My phone started to blow up.

"Happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday, (Y/N)! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!"

"Happy birthday to you!"

They were from all my friends. I smiled and Jungkook snatched my phone.

"It's your birthday?! And you didn't tell me?!"

I shy away and sink down in my seat. He pulls the car into a store parking lot about an hour away from our neighborhood.

"(Y/N), how old are you?"

He pulls out his phone and starts looking something up.

"U-uh, 17?"

He looks at me with furrowed brows. "Is that a question?"

I shake my head and he smiles and fist pumps when the results pull up.

"You, my beautiful 'we haven't decided yet' are coming with me."

A confused look spreads my face and he laughs.

"(Y/N), I'm moving out. And you are coming with me."

Eyes widening 10 times it's normal size, I'm doing somersaults inside. He was right, legally I could move in with him, because he's 18.

"Wait, really?!" I jump up in my seat.

"Yeah, but it'll have to wait. I haven't gotten it yet but I'm in the process. It'll be about a week."

I'm smiling from ear to ear. He smiles just as wide back and we drive off, him singing happy birthday to me over and over while holding my hand.

It was about 15 minutes away when I couldn't keep my thoughts in.

"Jungkook, what are we?"

He looks over at me, still holding my hand.

"Um, well, it depends."

"Depends in what?"

He smiles a little, going red. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I go red too, looking at our hands and him.

"Of course." I smile, and so does he.

"There you go. I know it's not ideal, but hey, it's something." I laugh and he pulls into his driveway.

Here I go, on my way home. It was 5 p.m. and Jungkook finally let me go. He wanted to walk me home, but I wouldn't let him. It was too big of a risk. I opened the front door, greeted by a mess of beer bottles and a heavy smell if smoke.

When did he start smoking?

I brushed it off and closed the door, summoning the demon.

"Ah, (Y/N). So nice of you to join us." He smiles a wicked grin, obviously drunk, more than before. "Come here."

He stumbles over surprisingly fast and grabs my hair.

"Now, you will never leave." He pulls me up the stairs and throws me into my room. The door clicks, then the knob breaks.


I look towards the windows and realize that he boarded them up.

"Oh my.."

Tears start rolling down my face as the panic attack comes on. I run for my phone, which was left in my bag. But, my bag was gone. I left it downstairs.

Hours upon hours, I'm starting to get hungry. He was now trying to kill me. I was gonna starve to death, or die of thirst before. This was it, I needed to make peace with my life and comes to terms. I write a note, just in case anyone comes looking for me.

Hey, it's me. This is a note to explain my situation. My dad locked me in my room and if you're reading this, I'm dead and you've come to look for me. Thanks, by the way. It shows you cared. Yes, my dad is abusive. But, thats not what I'm focused on. I want to write something to each of my friends. To my club members, thank you for being there and pulling me out of the mud I get myself in. I 100% appreciate and love you guys. To my friends, I love you guys. You were always there and I hope I left the same impression on you. Now, to someone you may not expect. To the Bangtan Boys. You guys helped me have some of the best times of my life. You help contribute, and I appreciate it so much. Now for the one I will never forget, Jeon Jeongguk. Thank you, so much. You've made this last week bearable. I couldn't do it without you, and you gave me a safe zone. You were my shoulder to cry on, you saved me, and made me feel as though I wasn't alone. I guess this is good bye, I love you all. You were not forgotten.

I closed out the note and let a few tears fall. It was over, everything I fought for, wasted. And it was because I was too afraid. All I could ask for was to be remembered. And that when tomorrow comes, someone will notice I'm not there.

To be continued. I hope you enjoyed. I really didn't put a lot of effort into this one but I still hope you didn't get too bored.

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