f o r t y s e v e n | "The Part You Don't Know"

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Siddharth's Point Of View°°°

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Siddharth's Point Of View

I slowly opened my eyes on the hospital bed. Aisha was sitting on the sofa nearby in deep thought. My hand ached but not as much as the last time.
"Aisha..", I mumbled softly as she immediately came out of her trance.
"Siddharth.. you're awake.", She said as she stood up and walked up to me. She sat beside me on the hospital bed. Her eyes were moist.
"You were crying?", I asked as she held my hand.
"I'm sorry.. it's all because of me..", her voice broke away.
"Sshh.. Menaka, you don't look good when you cry. Look your mascara us getting smudged..", I said as she looked down at me with a smile.
"You are really..", she said rubbing off her tears.
"I know I'm really handsome but that's okay, you're also not bad..", I said as she smiled.
"Thank you so much for that complement, Mr. Handsome.", She said as she bent and hugged me.
"Now don't start crying..", I said as she hugged me tightly.
"Why is it that you always get into trouble because of me?", She asked softly.
"Ah.. that's a good question. I don't know, maybe because trouble doesn't suit you.", I said as she moved away.
"Fine.. now take rest.", She said walking away.
"Can you get me my phone?", I asked her as she nodded and brought my phone.
"Thanks.", I mumbled as she left wiping off another tear.

I used my right hand which was in comparatively less pain.
I immediately opened my phone which was kept in silent mode. There were twenty two missed calls from Anjali. I exhaled a deep breath as I finally called her.
"Sid.. you are okay?", She asked with a voice full of concern.
"I'm fine. I want to know how do you come to know if anything is going to happen to Aisha. ", I said keeping my voice emotionless.
"I cannot talk over the phone. We have to meet. And don't worry, I'm not meeting you to instigate Aisha against you, please inform her and then come to meet me.", She said, as her voice broke away.
"Fine. Meet me at Spice Restaurant tomorrow at nine in the morning.", I said as she agreed and hung up the call.

I was discharged that evening.
Next morning I informed Aisha about the whole scenario.
"You mean to say that Anjali is somehow trying to help us?", She asked as I sipped my juice.
"I think so. But I don't know why she is doing it.. I need to know.", I said as she nodded.
"Fine. Meet her.", Aisha said thoughtfully as I rose from my seat.

I reached the restaurant at quarter to nine. I ordered a cup of coffee as I sat waiting for Anjali. Coffee shops were always our favourite meeting points. She loved coffee, just like me.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted as she walked into the restaurant wearing a t - shirt and jeans. She sat opposite to me as I kept my coffee on the table.
"Begin.", I said in a business like tone as she nodded.
"Can we not go in some isolated location? This is too crowded.", She said looking down at the table.
"Excuse me? What do you-"
"Please.. you are a celebrity. If you meet anyone people will make it news. I don't need that. Please.", She said as I nodded. I sipped my coffee as I stood up.
"Fine. Let's get going. I have a car which is considerably isolated.", I said as she immediately followed me out.

I sat on the driver's seat as she begun.
"Sid, you know that I live with Vinod and that's how I come to know-"
"Tell me why are you helping us?", I asked curtly, cutting her statement off.

he sighed, looking down as I stared out of the car.
"Because I don't want anything to happen to Aisha.", She said tiredly.
I gave a crooked smile.
"Oh.. so you want her to be good, is it? Who do you think I am? An idiot? Sorry, but that was five years ago.", I said mocking her.
"You need to believe me so that we can continue with this conversation.", She said with a sigh.
I finally turned towards her.
"Then say, why are you doing all this?", I asked as she looked down and said.

"Five years ago-"
"Please.. I need no flashbacks.", I said as she immediately looked up.
"If you cannot listen then I guess we should stop talking!", She screamed at me, tears flowing down her eyes.
"Fine. Say.", I said laying back on my seat, looking up at the ceiling of the car.
"Thank you.", Saying so she continued,
"Five years ago, Vinod had seen me with you. He had been with Aisha then, but when he saw me he got attracted. He would stalk me regularly, I had noticed him but knowing his reputation in the society I decided on not complaining to the police. It was to no avail.", She said as I remembered.

She had told me about her stalker. I had even tried to catch hold of him but I couldn't.

"One day he reached my house. My father was at home along with me. He wanted to marry me to which I denied immediately but he did not step back. He finally threatened to kill my father if I did not ditch you. When I did not give in to his demands he.. he killed father..", I sat up as her voice broke away. She was crying but she continued,
"..I ..I was left helpless. I was so tired, in so much pain that I had to do what I did. I betrayed you. I was not grace enough. I was afraid, what if he killed you.. I ruined my life.. I was pregnant with you baby. Vinod had not wanted it but somehow I managed to keep her alive for five years. I so wanted to return her to you but somehow that day it was fated.

Vinod made Pihu hate me.. and that's the reason she ran away and she met you. She met Aisha. Your Aisha.", Anjali finally paused as she rubbed off her tears.
She looked up at me.
My mouth had gone dry.
"This is my story. The part you don't know. And yes, I want to save Aisha because she loves Pihu. She takes care of her more than I could ever. I am grateful to her. ", Anjali said.

I sat and stared at her in silence.
I was at a loss of words. All that I had been believing for the last five years seemed to be a lie.
She had never betrayed me, she had been forced to.
I sat back as a whirlwind of emotions rose within me.

Author's note:
What about this new twist? 😉😉
So, Anjali was never a negative character and now we come to know why..!

Tell me what do you think about Anjali now?
How will this affect Sid and Aisha's life?

Tell me in the comments section!

Tell me in the comments section! 😃😃

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