Chapter 4

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“We formed this group called the Roivas, otherwise known as the Saviors. Clever, right? We came together because we know that the Angau began rebelling against everything they were formed to be. The Angau were forming plans to kill anyone who that shouldn’t know about any of their workings.” Behna explains.

She keeps waiting several moments before continuing as if I may not be prepared for the news. I wish she would just get on with it; I’m dying to get more information being as no one has ever felt the pleasure to enlighten me.

With an exasperated sigh, she continues. “The night that the Angau killed Ewan, we, the Roivas, were there. Several of the top-ranked Angau leaders had discovered our group. They planned to kill all of us that night. They stopped us before we had the chance to save you and Ewan. Luckily the deaths were very few on both sides. The ones on our side that survived were captured. Instead of holding us hostage, they decided it would be torture enough to change us and let us wander the streets immediately after in hopes that we would lose all sense of direction in our lives. As if that would stop us. You are our only hope.”

After hearing Behna explain all that she has gone through, I feel sympathy creeping its way into my mind along with a trickle of guilt from the words I said. I know how dreadful it is to go through the change, emotionally and physically. The pain. Oh how I remember the pain as if it was only yesterday. I don’t remember anything about that first life other than the change.

The Angau. What a joke. To think that whatever creep that created the name thought it would be hilariously ironic to name a group of warriors that cannot technically be killed ‘Death’ makes me sick to my stomach. If only that person would’ve known that the name would come true.

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