Somebody Else

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 Zach was sure that he didn't want to be with anyone. From everything that he's seen through his friends, relationships were asking for more drama to handle. He preferred to be alone, at the very least with people that understood his personality. 

He was so sure until a rumor about his old best friend started. As logical as he has always been, he didn't know what to think.

* * * * *

"Hey, Zach!" Thomas swung an arm around my shoulder. I shrugged his arm off, but he quickly wrapped it back, and I didn't care enough to repeat the action.
"What's up, Thomas." He pouted. For some reason, he didn't like people saying his name sometimes. He preferred nicknames, and if someone didn't have one he'd find a way to create one for them.

"Matthew and I are staying for practice later today." I kept walking, sparing a glance at the field outside. "I'm saying this because I want you to stay too," he finished. Sometimes they have to be more specific in my case when it comes to hidden invitations since I don't read into those kinds of things. I hummed in thought.
"Is it hot out?" I finally asked. He shook his head quickly, taking out his phone to take it to the weather app. I didn't look at it. 

At this point, we arrived in front of Ms. Wendin's classroom door. He read her name next to it and cringed. I rolled my eyes, reaching a hand out to turn the metal knob. 
"I, uh, have to get to practice-" Thomas started. I paused. I didn't look at him.
"No time to flirt with the substitute teacher?" I asked, monotone. Everybody knew Thomas was all talk. And an airhead. I didn't need to see him, I know he tensed up. He coughed awkwardly.
"I didn't know she... you know," he admitted awkwardly. I nodded absentmindedly, going back to my objective without answering. I saw him wave his hand vaguely. I think I've seen the gesture before, but I'm not going to dwell on it.

I opened the door as he jogged off, pretending to see someone he recognized down the hall. I shut the door behind me and walked over to her desk. Her eyes met mine, making me slow my pace. She was with another teacher. I don't have her class, I don't know her name. She was pretty, in an average way. Short brown hair and reading glasses rested on the top of her head. She was wearing a collared shirt with a loose dark green sweatshirt over it. I would've mistaken her for a librarian. Wait a minute. 

"Oh! Zachary, right? Do you need something? The clubs don't start for another 10 minutes or so." Ms. Wendin glanced up at the clock to double-check, nodding to herself.
"It's Zach. I wanted to ask for extra credit. A paper or project, whatever," I answered. She pursed her lips. She might be annoyed, or thinking. I can't tell. She was also a pretty woman. She had long blonde hair swept to the side and matching side bangs. She had on a shiny set of jewelry. She wore a light gray blouse today. The two were talking before I came in. The librarian, Ms. Elliot, was sitting at the desk. Ms. Wendin was sitting in her rolling chair.

"Yes, I suppose you could use it after our last test..." She thought out loud, shuffling through a folder on her desk. She picked up a piece of paper and held it out to me. I walked over and took it from her hands.
"Thanks. Have a good one." I nodded to them and walked out.

I was halfway down the hallway when someone slammed into me. The air was knocked out of me, and I stumbled. I readjusted and blinked at the offender.
"Dude, what the hell?" I asked. He glared at me.
"It was an accident! Don't take it personally." He responded, speed-walking down the hallway. I didn't have the energy to say anything. The school day was over. I shook my head and kept walking. I went down the stairs, down the main hallway until I reached one of the side exit doors. I pushed it open, feeling the sun on me immediately. I had to squint my eyes. 

My hand hovered over my face as I walked around to the back of the school. We had a spot for track, soccer, and football. Thomas and Matthew were both in football. Matthew was one of the top players. He was also dating one of the popular cheerleaders, Bianca. Thomas was on and off constantly with Penelope. Bianca's nice. Penelope isn't. I saw the two of them on the bleachers. Matt saw me from the middle of the field somehow and waved. I waved back, heading to the metal bleachers where a section was indulged with shade by the tall trees all around us.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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