Dinner date (kinda)

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Nina and Madara made their way to a restaurant. On their way there a girl bumped into Madara. "Oh I'm sorry handsome~ I didn't see you" said the girl. Madara looked at the girl unamused and irritated. "I hate women like this, they see that men are with someone else and they still try to slither around". Madara tried going back to Nina. "Where are you going handsome, come let's go have some fun" says the young girl. Madara looks at her disgusted "sorry I'm with someone currently I am not interested in your offer". The girl looked over at Nina whom was waiting impatiently. "Your going out with that ugly bitch? She isn't even hot? She doesn't have curves or anything? Come with me darling I'll show you a good time~". The girl started getting closer to Madara. Nina was already getting very irritated because of this girls unnecessary comments. Madara looked over an Nina, he could tell she was starting to get very angry. The girl started feeling on Madaras chest. Madara slightly pushes her away "please don't touch me lady, I said I wasn't interested". The girl got irritated and decided to pull Madara into a kiss. This made Nina even more angry which caused her to break the silence. She didn't want to get into a conflict but this bitch was really pushing her buttons.
"Listen here skank, if he said to back off then back off" Nina said starting to close the distance between her and where they were standing. "What are you gonna do about it you ugly bitch? I just kissed your man" with that being said she started laughing. Nina's chakra started getting dangerous and wild again and her hair started floating. "Well this girl is pretty fucked" Madara thought. Nina went up to the girl spinned her around and punched her in the face and starting dragging her by the hair. "Ow ow you fucking bitch let go of my hair!!". Nina ignored her pleas and started dragging her to the nearest garbage disposal. When she found one she dropped the girl inside of it and made sure to shut it off. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!! LET ME OUT!!" screamed the girl. Nina smirked "oh sweetie hasn't anyone ever taught you that trash sticks with trash. That's what you are" Nina said and let a laugh out. She then made her way back to Madara who just stared at her. In shock. Nina got back to Madaras side once more "now shall we make our way to the restaurant then?" Nina smiled. Madara just nodded at her as they started walking once again.

    Madara and Nina arrived at the place and went inside. "Table for two?" Asked the greeter. "Yes" replied Madara. They were both guided to their table. Once there, they sat down and waited for their waiter. "So" Madara started off. "How old are you?". Nina looked at Madara. " I am 21" she replied and started zoning out. "Good evening what would the both of you like today?" Asked their waiter. Nina looked up to see a beautiful young girl. With long black hair and green eyes. "I'd like some green tea" said Madara. Their waitress smiled at him. Nina just looked at her "I wouldn't be surprised if Madara decides to ditch me for her. I mean she is better looking than me in every way possible" Nina said to her self. "I'd like a raspberry tea" Nina said. The waitress wrote their order down and went to get their drinks. Nina looked at Madara who was now staring at her. "What are you looking at?" Says Nina. Madara smiles a bit "I was just looking at how beautiful you look when lost in thoughts" Madara said. Nina blushes a bit "Thank you". Their waitress soon arrives with their drinks. "One raspberry and green tea" she says giving them their tea. "What would you like to eat?" She asked. "I'd like to have Jiaozi please" said Nina. "I'd like Onigiri" said Madara. The waitress wrote is down and went to put the order in. "So before we got interrupt. I'd like to know more about you now that I know one more thing about you" said Madara. Nina just nodded. " well like I said I am 21, my name is Nina I don't use none of my clan names because they both believe I'm a disgrace. Since both my parent were from different clans" said Nina. "I live alone. I never knew my real parents or anything. I am more a night person  than day person" Nina finished. Madara looked at Nina and smiled "I guess its my turn huh" said Madara. " my name you already know I am 22 and have a little brother named Izuna. I only have my little brother and mother. My father died in battle." Madara finished. Nina looked at him feeling sadness for the man. Nina took her hand and put it on top of Madaras hand. Madara was surprised at the sudden action that came from the petite woman in-front of him. He allowed a smile to appear on his face and started touching Nina's hand slowly. Madara knew that he could some how win her over. Now he was determined on winning her heart. He'd of course continue the nightly visits as a stranger and escalate it from there.

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