Turning the page (Ayato x Yui)

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Hayate's POV

I'm lost again!!! Today, I went shopping with my mommy but I got separated from her. I walked away without noticing and when I turned around, she was gone. Man, I bet she's really worried about me again. She sometimes overreacts but I'm happy my mommy is worried for a kid like me. I'm a 'freak' in my school, but mommy still loves me. My name is Hayate Komori, I'm 8 years old and I live with my mom only. There is something weird with me that makes me a freak. My red hair is normally red in the day but when the moon's light shines on me, it turns to my mom's light blonde shade, also, I am a vampire. Yes, my mom said my dad was a vampire, at first I thought she was joking but now that I drink blood, I believe her. I am still walking around, looking for my mommy but no success. There were like lots of people everywhere in this huge mall. I don't even remember where I last saw her. I still kept walking around until I suddenly feel hungry. My mommy isn't here to give me blood and I don't have money with me to buy food. I wanted to keep going until I find mommy so I continued. Apparently, by one of the paths in the huge mall, a group of people were gathering around probabky a famous person while walking. I, as a kid, became curious and ended me going towards for a peek. When I arrived, I squeezed through the crowd and saw this tall red head dude, giving flying kisses to his fangirls. I felt like he's familiar. This didn't interest me at all and I turned to walk away but some girl pushed me making me fall on my butt in front of the guy. Of all the things that could happen, why something like this?!?!?! I gulped as the guy hummed and it was silent. "Hey kid, you okay?" he asked, his voice was sharp but it sounded polite enough to me. I slowly turned to face him and I quickly bowed down. "I'm so sorry, mister. Someone pushed me and I fell," I say and tried to run away when he suddenly held my wrist. "Hey, you seem really familiar to someone I know very well. Can I talk with you?" he asks and I paused. My mommy said I shouldn't go with people I don't know so I looked back and bowed again. "Sorry, but I have to go find my mommy," I say. "You're lost?" he asked. Damn! Why does he have to ask so many questions and try to get into any business of mine?!?! "Um.....Yes," I answer. "Come with me, I'll help you," he says and I just nodded. Whatever, if he is some kind of trafficker then I'll just beat him up and run. He lead me to this VIP room for rich people somwhere in the mall. I sat down and I looked around. It was really fancy and stuff. The guy sat on the other couch across from me. "Little boy, what's your name?" he asks and I sighed. "Hayate," I say. "Okay, what is your mother's name?" he asks. "Yui Komori," I answer. He suddenly stiffened for a bit and paused, looking down. I just stared at him blankly as he slowly looked up to face me. "Her name is Yui Komori?" he asks. "Yes, do you know her?" I asked while crossing my arms. "No, her name just reminded me of someone," he says, looking down. This dude has problems, first her says I remind him of someone he knows now my mommy's name reminds him of someone? What the heck? How does that make sense? "Anway, can you-" I was saying but was cut off with my growling stomach. The dude stared at me and I blushed. "You hungry? I'll order some food. Anything you want?" he asks. This guy is weird but since he's offering food, I'll take it. "I want some takoyakis," I say. "You eat those?" he asks. Stupid questions!!! "Yeah, my mommy makes them for me all the time and it's my favorite," I say. He just nods and called the staff for some food ordering. I just waited until the door opened and a waiter brought in the food. He set up the table and I quickly ate mine since I'm starving like hell.

Moments later, I was done and burped loudly. The dude came back and saw me. "I told the staff to make a quick announcement, maybe your mom will be here soon," he says and I smiled. "Thank you," I say. He's not that bad after all. Moments later, a knock was heard at the door and I answered it. "Mommy!!!" I shouted and hugged the person but the body felt hard? It wasn't soft like mommy. "Oi kid, who you calling mommy?" he asks and I slowly looked up when suddenly, I was swooped off the ground and carried on the shoulder. "Sorry, but I'm helping this kid out. Bye for a while," the dude says and runs with me on his shoulder. I sighed, it wasn't mommy. The guy kept running until we reached the elevator. He puts me down and I looked at him in a confusing way. "Your mommy is by the mall's entrance. We have to go," he says and I nodded. We just stood there in silence until we heard the ding sound of the elevator. We wemt out amd headed straight to the doors. "Oh, where is he? I'm so worried," I heard a familiar voice say and I looked up to see my mommy. "Mommy!" I yelled and she turned around. "Hayate, oh my baby, where have you been?" sje asks as she opened her arms and I jumped right in. "I'm sorry, I was lost. But this guy helped me, he even offered me food when I was hungry," I say. "Oh? Who is he?" she asks with a smile. I pointed at the guy approaching and my mommy looked up to see him. "Hey, bitch-chan, long time no see," the guy says and my eye twitched at what he called my mommy. "Hey! What did you just say?!" I yelled at him and my mommy covered my mouth. "Laito-kun?" she asks and I stared at her confused. "Hi," he says with a peace sign with his fingers. "Oh my God! It's been a while!" she says as she hugged him. WHAT THE HECK?!?!? WHY IS MY MOMMY HUGGING SOMEONE I DON'T EVEN KNOW?!?!?! "Ahem, mommy who is this?" I asked while crossing my arms. "Oh, right," she says and lets go of him. "He is Laito, an old friend of mine," she says happily and he smiles at me. "Okay, mommy, I wanna go home," I say and she turns to face him. "Well, I have to go," she says and was about to leave when she whispered something in his ear then he nods when she moved away. "Come Hayate, let's go," she says and grabs my wrist while we head towards our car. When we arrived, I got in the passenger seat and she sat in the driver seat. She turned on the engine and made our way to our home. My mom had been working hard all these years for me. She works as an office lady and she found a home of our own, she bought the car after getting her driver's license. I just sat there until she spoke up. "How many times do I have to tell you to never walk away from me? Don't you know how worried I was?" she asks and I sighed. Here we go, another lecture. "Sorry mommy," I say and slumped into my seat, sulking. "Okay, okay, I won't get mad. Just don't do it again," she says and I nodded. We just sat in silence while I just stared out the window, wondering why my mom never really mentioned any 'old friends' of hers to me until I would meet them unexpectedly. I sighed before grabbing my phone and playing my games while my mom listened to relaxing tunes on the radio and she hummed to the song. Not that I'd complain, I love her singing.

Laito's POV

Yui whispered to me, "Please don't tell Ayato about me and him today. He still doesn't know and I don't want to see him. Please keep this as a secret." I just nodded and watched her walk away with Hayate. She really changed, her hair became longer and her body got taller a bit and still sexy but her peraonality remained the same. My guess was right, that Hayate kid is Ayato's. That stupid kind of a brother. But not telling him about Yui and Hayate today made me chuckle. I was planning on not telling him anyway, I wanna see a show right now. This might be fun though.

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