Chapter 15 - Looks Can Be Disbelieving

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The tug that tightened the dress nearly drove the wind from Gliss's body, and she had to bite back a tirade of expletives as the thrall, Lilly, continued to wrestle with the fastenings down the back. She ached to be back in her simple jeans and top, but the little voice in the back of her mind kept telling her: you don't have a choice. If she wanted to impress the Glaives; if she wanted to get to the Synod she needed to endure this. It would be a small price to pay if it got her what she needed.

So she let Lilly tighten up the lace fastenings, acutely aware of the faint breeze that kissed her spine. Under normal circumstances she wouldn't have gone near the dress with a ten foot pole. It had long sleeves to mask the scarring on her arms, woven of a deep, midnight blue material that felt almost weightless, as though it had been woven from clouds, but the firm night-black corset that went with it made her feel like she was being squeezed by a vice. The long skirt hugged her legs together tightly, making it impossible to move faster than a brisk walk. Topping that off were set of ostentatious heels that, while not the biggest she'd ever seen, did more than enough to make walking more of a hassle than ever before.

But, there was nothing for it. Gritting her teeth she practised a couple of lengths tottering back and forth across Capper's bed chamber under Lilly's eye.

"Em, Milady, if I may?"

"Don't call me that," Gliss snapped in frustration as she made another unsteady circuit. "But if you've got any advice about walking in these damned things, then please, share it with me!"

The thrall bit her lip, lowering her eyes to the floor before speaking. "Respectfully, it looks you've never really tried to walk in something like this before."

"I knew that already." She shot the girl an irate glance.

"Apologies – I just mean that you must adjust the way you move within the restrictions of your attire. It will take a little time if you're not used to it. If you shorten your stride and keep your back straight it will help keep you steady."

A part of Gliss was disgusted to be receiving advice from such a weak specimen, but the logic of the statement hit home. Lilly, she supposed, had spent a lot of time watching from the sidelines in her capacity as a glorified slave.

With her jaw clenched tightly, she tried to follow the girl's advice. Checking her usual languid stroll, she took deliberately smaller steps and attempted to keep her back straight. At first it didn't seem to make much difference as she wobbled her way back and forth across the carpet, but after a couple of circuits of the room she got a feel for the balance. Once she'd gone back and forth three times without stumbling she exhaled a long, satisfied breath and looked at Lilly.


The thrall risked a timid smile. "Much better, Milady."

"I told you, stop calling me that," she said, fighting to keep the sharpness out of her voice. "I'm not an Elder-Blood. I'm not even part of your clan."

"It is not my place to question such things," Lilly assured her. "I do as my lord bids. That is my role."

"And you're happy with that?"

"It is not a matter of happiness. It is simply the way things are."

"And Capper? Does he think that too?"

"I think he feels...uncomfortable in my presence," she said, and to Gliss's amazement she heard a twinge of disappointment in the thrall's voice. "I was assigned by the Elders as his thrall but he does not seem to really want one. It leaves me feeling..." She shrugged. "I do feel useless, at times."

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