Day Two

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Wooyoung pov

I felt like this wasn't even real. How could it be? It was such an out of body experience for me, I couldn't even tell how many hours have already passed by.

I didn't know what to expect. In movies people who get kidnapped are most likely killed on the first day, but I'm still alive.
I had no idea what to do, because he didn't do anything to me yesterday. I felt like a newly bought pet locked up in a pretty cage. I was scared.

I heard the door swing open and San walked up to me.

—Good morning, beautiful.

He sang softly. He felt a lot less dangerous than yesterday. Was he in a better mood now?
He now had a big loving smile on his face as he took a seat beside me on the bed.

—Did you sleep well, Wooyoungie? Were you cold last night?

I didn't know what to do so I just shaked my head. I didn't dare to speak. I soon came to the realisation that this was a terrible decision on my part. San looked disappointed.

—You have a mouth, use it. Or else...

He trailed off and gave me a creepy smile. I gulped.

—Y-es I slept well.

—See? It wasn't difficult to speak up now, was it?

He ruffled my hair. He's so fucking creepy. He was scaring me. He reached out for my hand and brought it up to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss. I wanted to cry out and push him away, but the thought of the possible consequences I might have to face scared me even more.

—I'm truly sorry that I can't play with you right now, Youngie. I have got some other things to do, but I'll be home soon.

He smiled and I felt so creeped out by it. I felt like I was not a human being anymore but a pet or an object. He was so weird it made me want to peel my skin off. Everything was weird! I just wanted to go home.

-This has to be a bad dream, please wake me up already.

San soon got up and left.

I was once again all alone, and I cried like a baby... I want to go home.

... --- ...

I've been weirdly tired for these past two days and I couldn't help but doze off multiple times. I was half asleep when I heard the door creak open. I cautiously sat up as I saw San entering the room and heading in my direction.

—Oh Wooyoungie~ I missed you so much. I want to play a game. Let's play a little game! (A/N just between you and I~)

tw: non-consensual sexual intercourse

He climbed into the bed I was in and without letting me process what was going on he already pinned me down and began to kiss me roughly. I tried my best to push him off of me but nothing seemed to work. I was overpowered by him.

—Please! st- please stop!

-This has to be a nightmare!

He kept forcing himself onto me and didn't listen to any of my pleadings.

I wanted to die.

No matter how much I cried it was like he didn't even hear me.

I was left on the bed naked and sore all over. I cried all night traumatised. He used me like I was nothing more than an object. He stole my virginity and ruined my first and most definitely last time for a life.

I felt disgusted. I felt dirty. I wanted to peel my skin off. Rip it all off and don't leave anything behind.

In the middle of the night, or God knows when, I got out of bed and went up to the small bathroom that was connected with this room I was locked up in.

I began to look around. I didn't even know what I was searching for. Maybe my will to live?

The bathroom was empty, it was empty just like my soul now... I wanted to laugh at how pathetic I was. I felt like shit.

I really want to go home.

TOY ◾ WooSan Ateez ✔ [UNDER BEING REWRITTEN AND FIXED]Where stories live. Discover now