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Stefani. That was the one that was causing him trouble. Since the day Bradley and Stefani met, he felt something special, just by looking at her when she opened the door to her house to him only using shorts and a t-shirt he knew, he somehow knew that she was his soulmate. The sparkle and the connection between them was so strong that he until to this day doesn't know how he survived without Stefani for all these years. She was different from what he imagined a pop star would be: instead of being shallow, superficial and egocentric, she was bubbly, sweet and thoughtful, the opposite of what he expected, but that was an awesome surprise.  That day she was very different from what he had seen of her before: no crazy wigs, huge high heels and no extravagant costumes, she was her true self in front of him, and he appreciated it.

That night she cooked him some pasta and they talked for hours and hours, like they were long time friends that didn't see each other for years and that needed to catch up. They bonded very quickly over how they were both Italian American and were from the West coast and from there, other topics came naturally for them. He was so happy when she said she would be a part of his film that he couldn't help but pick her up in his arms and spin her around. He knew she was the right one for the movie from the moment he saw her singing La vie en rose, and now that he actually met her, he couldn't be more sure about his choice.

When the time came for them to part ways, he felt a strange thing on his chest, like a weight had been put there and would only go away when he would see her again. They hugged goodbye and he got lost for a second on her perfume, that was floral and had a little touch of sweetness, just like her.

When he got home he had to come back as well to his reality: he came home to his girlfriend Irina. Irina. From all the time he spent with Stefani he didn't think of her once, and that made him feel guilty. He was on a relationship with someone else for God's sake, and this sudden feeling inside his chest about other woman  had to disappear, and fast. Because Lea was about to come and he wanted to create a good and healthy enviroment for his family. His relationship with Irina was not the best, it seemed that they were so used with each other presence that it started to get boring, and the only thing that brought some light to their relationship was their unborn daughter, Lea.

It took a while for Bradley to figure it out that he was actually in love with Stefani. He was sure of his feelings after their first kissing scene, with her after shooting going home with Taylor.  That's when he knew he wanted to be the one that she would come home to, the one she would wake up next to and fall asleep everyday in his arms. He was scared of this realization, cause after all he had Irina and Lea had just been born. He couldn't leave all behind and go chase someone who he knows doesn't feel the same. It was pointless. So that day he went home and acted like nothing had changed, and spent some time with his daughter, thinking how life was so simple when he was that little.

As the days went by he noticed his relationship with Stefani was changing. She was more touchy feely, more flirty, and of course he wasn't complaining. They started spending more and more time together each day. They would finish the shootings for the day and would hang out in each other's trailer's, either rehearsing scenes or just talking. Sometimes they would stay sitting on the couch on each other's arms, and while they talked Bradley would caress her arm and her hair, and sometimes he saw that she had her eyes closed, almost as if she was feeling the moment as much as he was.

The film soon progressed and they were now about to shoot the bath tub scene, the one where she was naked from the waist up and she would put make up and fake eyebrows on him. He was so nervous for this scene, cause it would be the first time he would see Stefani naked. He didn't want to be unprofessional, but at the same time he wasn't blind, he would have to look at her body. He was first one to get in the tub, and a bit later he saw Stefani entering the set with just a bath robe. She smiled at him and turned around to take the robe of. She was wearing only some type of shorts that matched her skin tone, and was completely naked from the waist up. She then went to the tub and sat straddling him, and immediately his hands went to her waist, as reflection almost. He yelled action and the scene started. She put on him face eyebrows and mascara, and when she laughed she came so close to him that he thought for a second of giving up on everything and just kiss her, but he knew he couldn't, at least for now, because the next scene they did was a kissing one. She kissed him so intenstly that he thought it was actually Stefani and not Ally at the moment. Her breasts were touching his chest and it felt like heaven, while his hands were roaming all thought her back. But it was over way too soon. He had to back away and yell cut, and break the moment between them. Stefani still had her face close to his when she said "Irina really is a lucky girl" and got of the tub, leaving Bradley behind with that sentence repeating over and over again in his head.

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