Chapter 12

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"Where are we going?"

I couldn't help but ask my boyfriend earlier in the night. After the trial we had gotten straight in the car and started off for Boston, arriving at the hotel by three in the afternoon. I was taking a depression nap, but my assistant captain decided that sleep wasn't worth it and his over active mind needed to get out of the hotel room. At least that's I thought.

"Don't worry about it, just get dressed." Apparently a bra and underwear wasn't appropriate dress for going out. I never would have guessed that one. Beck had already laid out clothes on the other side of the bed, waiting in the beak chair while scrolling through his phone.

"I never took you for the controlling type," I mused with an entertained smirk on my face while I put on the black ripped jeans and my favorite pair of Doc Martens.

"Really? Because I think you would assume I'm exactly the controlling type," Beck quipped back suggestively. I knew exactly what he was talking about and he wasn't wrong.

"I suppose I can tolerate it since you have good taste." I pulled the black scooped neck tank top with a lace up 'V' shape down between my breasts, after removing my bra. I slipped on the heavy grey toned jean jacket over my body, pulling my hair out from under the collar and letting my hair lose as it framed my face. "Where exactly are we going?" I asked again as Beck stood, putting his arm over my shoulders as we walked to the door.

"Don't worry about it, Baby."

And that's how I ended up walking down the street of a slightly sketched part of Boston then I had seen when we arrived. It was already eight and the sky was pitch black considering it was the fall, Beck's arm protectively around my waist similarly to how he had walked through downtown New Haven with me months ago. "Is this that wrong turn at Sam Adams?" I joked with him, recalling his joke from all those months ago. It was insane to think I had known Becker Sampson for a year now.

"Actually, yeah. Pretty close to it, anyway. Thought this might be slightly safer," Beck shrugged with a small smile on his lips.

My eyes settled on the building in front of us, a mocking laugh bubbling off my lips. "A strip club? I didn't take you for the type, Beck."

"Abandoned strip club," he corrected with an amused smile on my lips. It was a black box of a building with old neon lights unlit, a woman's silhouette with some smashed words I couldn't read under it. "But if you want to put it that way, I think you are more than sufficient enough to keep me entertained. That, and I can actually have sex with you which is always a bonus."

"I always knew my blowjob skills were above average," I boasted while flipping my hair mockingly. "Maybe that should be my new profession."

"Definitely not," Beck countered in milliseconds. "There should be no other dicks in or around you besides mine."

"So is that a no to that threesome Tay proposed?" I laughed, referencing his blowjob suggestion from dinner.

"One hundred percent."

"So what are we actually doing here?" I asked again as we ducked down the side alley between the strip club the corner and the brick building next to it.

"You and I had a rough day today," Beck started out as the sound of our feet on the damp pavement filled the silent night. "And it's been a while since we've had a 'date' of sorts, so I figured I could show you one of the underground Boston shows I've always liked since you've taken me to multiple in Connecticut."

A wide smile graced my lips as Beck opened the heavy rust stained metal door and the two of us ducked into the cleared out strip club, people dressed in mostly black milling around after buying the cheep tickets from the muscular bouncer standing at the door we had just came through.

The lights of the strip club were still out due to a lack occupants to pay the electricity bill, leaving portable spotlights to illuminate the dank place. The dark carpet and wooden bar were still in place, but the booths around the place had been gutted out completely leaving patches of bare wood with no carpeting. The bands hadn't even started yet and I could already feel the energy and catharsis about to ensue.  

Call me a fucking weirdo but this was so fucking romantic I could get on my knees right now and have no regrets.

"At least I can actually run this time of the cops show up," I stood on my toes and whispered in Beck's ear, not wanting anyone here to get angry by the 'C' word. That type of thing didn't fly at places like these.

"What do you know, maybe I won't get screamed at for carrying you this time," Beck joked but I just glared at him, not finding it very funny. "What?" He shrugged. "We have jobs for stealer the rest of the season and I think our multimillion dollar parachutes will hold us down until we figure something out if we get a little black dot on our police records. And that's assuming the NHL doesn't employ people with criminal records, which we both know is a lie."

"I'm so glad you've worked out ever possible eventuality for me ahead of time," sarcasm was dripping off my lips like a waterfall.

"Your welcome, Baby. I love you," he murmured, leaning down to kiss me. "I'm just glad I can do this now without anyone trying to ruin our lives."

I let him mold his lips against mine like the perfect fit they were, tenderly caressing my pink flesh like my lips would break apart without his gentle care. His tongue easily invaded my mouth, massaging my own as his large hands cupped both sides of my jaw. My own fingers were resting on his muscular chest, growing increasingly turned on by every second. I felt exactly like a giddy teenager and I couldn't be happier. Who would have thought a teenager would have something desirable?

When Beck finally released my submissive mouth, my breath already slightly heavier due to the sheer longevity of our passionate kiss. "You are my world, Beckett."

"I have nothing without you, Danielle. And at the end of a rough day like today, I'll always be there for you to lean on. Together we can face the world, you just have to be willing to do it with me," his whispered back, some more of the portable lights going out to direct attention to the stage.

"I'll follow you anywhere."

And I knew as we both let out our frustrations with the world and lost ourselves in each other in the darkness of a round down strip club in a state so far from our home together, that I could do anything with Beckett Sampson.

He was my end all be all, and he always would be, even if he left me.

I loved him like no other.

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