Chapter 1: Monday's Suck

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Hey everyone its me :) (obviously)

i just had a great idea for a book and i had a few extra moments do i decided to write out the prolouge and chapter 1 to see what you guys think

hope you enjoy xox

And The World Is Suddenly Brighter...


Have you ever felt like life is just drifting along?

Passing you by while you just sit and watch?

I am Kenzie Rianne Mc'Adney and I used to feel like that everyday nothing exciting EVER happened i woke up, i got ready for school, i went to school, i got home, i did my homework, i went to sleep. It was a vicious cycle never ending and nothing ever happened to shake it up a little that was of course before i happened to run into one boy...

Ryder Smith

charming, good looking, a total bad-ass, the guy that all the girls drool over (and even a few boys), the kind of guy your warned to stay away from. he could have had any girl he wanted but instead he chose me! ME! Can you believe that? but to explain how all this came about i will have to start from the beginning...

Chapter 1: Mondays suck

Monday Morning, (JOY! note the sarcasm)

I was walking into school (just like any other day) when i noticed something different about everybody they had all split up from there usual groups and cliques and were scattered around whispering and running back and forth between people like an angry bees nest

"What's going on?" i asked some girl 

"You didn't hear?" she asked incredulously 

"No?" i said unsure

she squealed. yes literally squealed.

"There's a new boy!" she said squealing again

"yeah so we get new guys all the time?" i questioned her

"yeah but this one is H.O.T" she replied

oh my god! Is she serious? everyone's all jumpy and excited over a hot guy? you have got to be kidding me.

"There he is!" i heard someone hiss as the entire schoolyard froze i looked up and caught sight of the boy in front of the school and DAMN that girl was correct when she said he was H.O.T like seriously this guy could break your heart and you would thank him. But even so i don't see how one boy could cause this much ruckus i rolled my eyes at the hordes of drooling teenage girls and made my way through the front doors.

Once inside i was met with my squealing best friend 


"ERIN!!" i shouted making everyone stare 

"Stop a sec will ya"i continued laughing at her shocked expression

"Was i doing it again?" she asked sheepishly

I nodded "Yep"

You see this is Erin my completely insane best friend that tends to talk way to fast for anyone to understand anything of what she is saying but she is extremely loyal and great at revenge plans. I'm not kidding this one time Laura the queen bitch poured water all over me, Erin got so mad that she snuck into Laura's room at night and shaved off all her hair it was THE funniest thing i have ever seen Laura had to wear hats and beanies for months before all her hair grew back needless to say she never messed with me or Erin again. Erin is completely crazy and her appearance matches she has bright blue eyes that seem to be never ending and bright fiery red hair that frizzes all over the place she has freckles across her cheeks and she is ALWAYS smiling. 

i heard the bell ring announcing first period Erin and I started walking towards the English classroom when i remembered my English book that i left in my locker 

"shit"i cursed 

"what?" asked Erin

"i left my books in my locker" i replied giving her a pleading look

"nuh-uh i am not being late because of you...again!" Erin said giving me a pointed look

"Please Erin? PleasePleasePlease?" i begged

"nope" Erin said smirking 

i pouted at her

"I'm not coming with you but i will cover for you" she muttered 

"Good enough!"i said

"Thanks Erin love you!" i continued before dashing off to my locker

i dodged around people constantly saying sorry as i bumped into people 

I was almost at my locker when i ran straight into someone my other books went flying in all directions loose papers falling out and spreading across the floor and suddenly i was falling too i tried to backtrack to maintain my balance but I'm not the most coordinated person so unsurprisingly i failed at maintaining my balance and i fell toward the floor

If you were expecting the person i ran into to catch me then you are dead wrong that shit only happens in cheesy romance novels and movies

My head hit the floor and everything went black.

I woke up to someone poking my forehead 

"Hello?" i heard someone ask

The poking stopped for a moment but then continued more insistent then before

where the hell am I?

*poke poke poke*

I slapped the hand away and slowly opened my eyes coming face to face with 

the new kid?

"oh thank god!" he muttered

"what?" i asked confused as to why i was lying on the floor in the middle of a scholl hallway

"hear i collected all your book for you" mystery guy said handing me a stack of books and papers

"what the hell just happened?" i asked

"you ran into me and fell to the floor you knocked your head pretty hard" he said smirking at me

i rubbed the back of my head 

"Ow" i muttered causing mystery boy to burst into laughter

"oh Ha Ha" i said "I'm glad my pain amuses you" i continued getting to my feet and snatching my books away walking off my back stiff

i heard footsteps behind me 

"hey wait!" he called out

I froze and spun around almost causing him to smash into me

"What?" i asked

"You forgot this" he said handing me one of my books that i had failed to grab

"gee thanks" i muttered sarcastically 

"hey I'm being nice you could at least extend me the same courtesy" he said smirking again

"Fine." i said

"oh thank you kind sir for handing me the book i forgot" i said my tone dripping with sarcasm

He just sent me another smirk

"your really cute y'know" he said before walking away leaving me dumbfounded and blushing furiously what the hell did he mean by that?

I know its a short chapter but its the first chapter so i hope you guys enjoyed and dont forget to 




and whatever the hell else you want  :P


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