Chapter 3: Why are you so obsessed with me?

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Chapter 3: Why are you so obsessed with me?

oh god oh god oh god oh god 
This cannot be happening 
My best friend is related to my hot newest sort of enemy
wait hot?
What the hell is wrong with me he is NOT hot 
But those abs...
I directed my attention back to the front door of the pizza place and there he stood standing like he owned the place 
Claire went over to him and dragged him towards our table
"...and this is my bestest friend Kenzie" i heard the ending of there conversation as they came closer he looked up and surprise crossed his face quickly followed by a smirk i glared at him and stood up walking upstairs 
i heard Claire calling my name as she followed me i got to the top and collapsed on her couch cursing my rotten luck 
Claire walked in behind me followed by guess who? Mr Jerk himself
"What was that?" Claire asked 
"Yeah i feel like your ignoring me" Mr. ineedtolearnthisguysname commented
"She doesn't mean to seem rude" Claire apologized to him shooting a glare at me
"Yes i do" i said glaring at them both 
"Kenzie!" Claire shouted
"What?" i asked
"Be nice!" she reprimanded 
"Why?" i asked 
"Kenzie what the hell is your problem you havnt even met Ryder before and your already acting like a complete an utter bitch" she snarled at me
i laughed dryly before standing up and turning to face 'Ryder' 
"Are you going to explain or should I?" i questioned him
"No please go ahead" he smirked
"Well ya see it started this morning when Mr asshole ran into me.."
"Hey i seem to recall that you were the one that ran into me" he interrupted 
"shut-up this is my story" i replied
"anyway he ran into me.." i began
"she ran into me" he interrupted
"and then i was at the bleachers looking at my phone.."
"and skipping class"
"when Dumb-ass here decided to steal my phone.."
"i prefer the term liberated"
"so i snatched it back and walked to my car to drive here when i notice that my keys are gone i turn around and see that Sir Jerk over here has taken them and is holding them abve my head so i ask him to give them back..."
"more like threatened me"
"Would you PLEASE stop interrupting"
"uh you are so exasperating"
"Just finish the story" Claire said
"okay so to get them back i may or may not have..."
"sexually assaulted me"
"WHAT!!" Claire screamed
"HEY! that is not what happened" i shouted
Ryder being the jerk that he is laughed so me being the bitch i am kicked the back of his knee causing him to fall forward 
i turned back towards Claire
"So continuing MY story i used my womanly charm..."
"womanly charm?" Ryder questioned
"To outsmart this idiot and got my keys back i then came back here to tell you the story when this guy waltzed in like he owned the place" i finished
"technically i  DO own part of the place" Ryder muttered
"Shut-up" i growled at him
By this point Claire was staring at us like we were completely insane then unexpectedly she burst out laughing and not a quiet laugh either it was a full on clutching her stomach rolling on the floor kind of laugh 
i rolled my eyes and turned around
"Well i have a pizza waiting downstairs so ill catch you losers later" i said waving goodbye and waltzing downstairs 
I collected my pizza thanked Uncle Adam and walked to my car
I was half way home when i got a call from my mother asking me to grab some milk on my way home i groaned in frustration when i realized i had passed the shops about 10 minutes ago
I walked into the shops and made a beeline for the dairy section
I grabbed 2 litres and an iced coffee because who's not obsessed with this shit and slowly make my way to the checkout i get there and am lining up when i sense a presence beside me
I mentally groan when i realize its Ryder 
"Why are you so obsessed with me?" i question glaring at him
"awe i missed you too buttercup" he grinned
"why are you so annoying?" i asked
"excuse me i take great offense to that" he replied indignantly
I ignored him and asked
"What are you doing here anyway?"
"I was sent on a mission by Mr. Boss-Man to.."
he paused
"collect Milk" he finished raising his milk bottle dramatically
"Must you be such a weirdo?" i questioned genuinely curious
"Yep" he stated matter of factly 
"If you two have finished flirting the register is free" a women said from behind us clearly frustrated
"We are so sorry mam, Me and my girlfriend will move right away" Ryder said bowing to the older women
I was glaring daggers at him
"We are NOT dating and we were NOT flirting!" i almost shouted at them both stalking up to the register
The nerve of him
"Don't worry about her shes been a bit moody lately" i heard Ryder whisper quite loudly behind me
I whip my head around and stare at Ryder
"You just wait.." i hiss at him
I then proceed to pay and walk out the shop taking a big drink of my coffee i walk towards my car to see that its being towed
"NO!" i screech running towards my car
"WAIT, WAIT PLEASE I'M RIGHT HERE" i scream at the driver of the truck
"sorry Miss but the laws the law" then then asshole drove off with my little car
"SHIT!" i curse
"need a ride?" the question came from behind me i turn to see Ryder standing there a full on grin stretched across his face
"I'm fine" i snap at him
I spin around and begin my journey home
"Whatever" i heard him mutter
I Ignored him

I had been walking for about 15 minuted when i felt the first drop fall on my face i look skyward and see the angry black clouds gathering above me
I curse and look down at my attire which consists of short shorts and a singlet
I curse again and pick up my pace but within 2 minutes its bucketing down and i am completely drenched and shivering from the cold
I am so going to catch pneumonia 
I see a car pull up next to me and see Ryder leaning out the window
"GET IN!" he shouts
"N..NO!" i shout out stuttering from the cold
"Stop being stubborn and get in before you freeze to death!" he shouts at me
"Fine!" i shout opening the passenger door and climbing in
I wrap my arms around myself still shivering 
"why do you have to be so stubborn?" Ryder questioned me 
"Its a defense mechanism" i mutter
he just sighs and leans into the back 
He hands me a jumper and tells me to put it on
I pull it over my head thanking him 
I snuggle deeper into the jumper trying to dispel the last vestiges of cold 
God it smells good just like Ryder 
Wait what?
Did i just say that Ryder smelt good?
Oh god what the hell is this boy doing to me?
The rest of the car ride was silent but a good silence you know the kind of silence when you feel like you've known this person forever 
i see my house come into view and point it out for Ryder
He stops in my drive way and i turn towards him 
"Thank you for giving me a ride" i mutter shyly
come on Kenzie
snap out of it
this isn't you
your a cocky bitch not a lovesick puppy 
"Bye Kenzie" Ryder whispers kissing my forehead 
I got out of the car and made my way to my door in a state of shock
what the hell just happened?
i opened my door and went inside leaning against the wall realizing 3 things
1: i still have Ryder's jumper 
2: I left the milk in Ryder's car
3: I Like Ryder Smith

holy shit! 
Am i right?
Like what just happened??
So what did you guys think?
Did you like it?
I hope so :D
now don't forget to





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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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