First and Last Kiss

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Last moments of Akasuki's life. Je put his hand on my cheek, his finhers going throw my long blonde hair, he lifted up.
A kiss landed upon my lips.
I can feel the warmth of his body against mine. Everything has changed.
It can't end like this. No. Not now. There must be something that I can do. He has a long life ahead. He can't just kiss me and die. No that's not how it will end. He's a life.
With the last few seconds of his life he pushed back, and laid down on the grassed field. I laid right next to him l. Cuddling with him.
He started to relax. His eyes rilled back into his head. His body started to turn into a weird type substance. It's like evaporating dust.
The air consumed him.
Akasuki is no longer with us. And I'm back with my lonesome self. No more will to live. Just like that night. I knew I shouldn't have gotton so attracted to him. I list everything again on that day.
That night.
That day.
They were like one another. The feeling of my five year old self and now with my sixteen year old self.

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