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I was in the waiting room with Stephanie and Penny. Steph was still in shock and I was just walking through the whole room.

"Dad?" Steph walked to me.

"Huh" I turned around and I saw her puffy eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I did-" she still cried.

"Listen, you didn't do anything. Mum's been just in too much stress..." I said and he looked into nowhere.

"Hi..." Liam sadly said and Penny stood up.

"What happened" I asked him.

"Is mom okay?" Steph asked.

"Yeah, they both are okay.." he smiled and the big stone left my heart.

"Can we see her?" Penny asked.

"Tomorrow you can, she needs to rest. It's been so stressful for her so." Liam said and I thanked him.

"Okay, go home, I need to do something..." I said and told Penny to stay with Steph.

"Take care of her" Steph said and she hugged me.

"Of course I will" I smiled and they left.

I came to the office and I saw Liam there.

"Hey" I greeted him and he looked confused.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I took the night shift today" I said as I grabbed the white coat.

"I told the ward sister and she changed my duty with Malcolm's." I said and he mumbled something.

"You should have stayed at home" he said.

"Oh, we have operation together" I said looking into the allocation.

"Simon I mean that" he said. I ignored him and just did my work.

We were on OR and everything were almost done.

Room 7, red code. Room 7 red code

"Simon calm down, she's in room 8" I calmed him and I saw as he's shaking.

"Simon leave, I'll sew it" I said and he went out.

When I left the OR, I went to Adele's room. She was laying there, sleeping.

I sat down beside her and I grabbed her hand. I was just looking at her. I felt asleep too.

"Simon?" I heard weak voice of my wife. I opened my eyes and I saw her awake.


I woke up in the hospital. Beside me was Simon and he was holding my hand.

"Simon?" I said weakly. He opened his eyes slowly.

"Babe?" He said out of joy. I smiled. We were just looking at each other.

"Oh, you're in work" I smiled.

"I am... I took a night shift to be close to you honey.." he said and I almost melted. He couldn't take his eyes off me.

"Why are you still looking at me?" I laughed a bit and he smiled.

"I love you" He said and he kissed my hand.

"I love you too" I smiled.

"What about t-" I wanted to ask on the baby but he interrupted me.

"It's okay.. you both are okay" he said.

"Thank god." I said and I took a heavy breath.

"Is everything okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah" I said smiling at him.

No it isn't babe...it isn't...

"How long I have to be laying in this awful place?" I said looking around.

"I'm afraid till the delivery..." he said and he placed his hand on mine which was on my belly.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I huffed and he took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry babe, it wasn't that easy to save the baby. Liam said that can show some complications..." Simon said and I sobbed a little.

"You know how much I hate hospitals" I said and he sadly smiled.

"Well, he took the DNA of the baby already and he'll take my blood.. I wasn't there yet" he said.

"Simon, I don't want to do that." I said.

"What do you mean?" He got confused.

"Promise me, whatever will happen you'll always love me" I said tearing up.

"That's our vow..." he smiled.

"Promise it please" I begged him.

"I will always love you Adele, whatever will happen. I'm right here beside you and I'm ready to help you with anything you want" he said and I smiled.

"You're my ride or die" I smiled and he kissed me.

"I have to go.. I'll come to check you once again, now go sleep you need
It..." he said and I nodded.

"I love you" I said and he waved me.

I felt asleep after 20 minutes of scrolling Instagram.

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