Chapter 1

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" I need her for this spell, so get her the bloody hell over here Elijah!" Klaus yells into the phone. "Brother, I am not one of your hybrid's go and make one of them do it." Elijah says so calmly through the phone. "Elijah please, I promise to fill you in only once you get her here though. All you need is to drive her here, you don't even need to look at her just, bring her to me." Klaus says and hangs up.
Elijah was close to where she was so he just used his vampire speed and was there in know time. He knocked on your door and you opened up, expecting in to be Klaus.
"Y/n y/l/n?" He asked.
"Y-yes, who are you?"
"I am Elijah, my brother has sent me to bring you to him."
I look at him. He was so tall and stiff, wearing a suit and tie made me feel underdress as I was just wearing leggings with a longish shirt. My hair was it's natural weird wavy thing going on. I looked up at him and gave him a small smile. "Then let's go."
I walk past him and outside, he follows. I look around and see know transportation of any kind. I know it's far. Where we're going. "Where's the car?" I turn around and ask him.
"Oh shoot, I'll just compel someone to give me there car just-" i run back inside and grab my car keys. "No. Let's just take mine." I say and give him the keys. "Your driving." I giggle and get in the passenger seat.
"It's very nice in here y/n." I look at him. "I know, I'm actually kind of surprised by that." I say jokingly. I grab my phone and turn on my music. All from the 2000's I liked oldish music but more modern stuff. And a really good song turns on. 'We belong together ' it's by Mariah Carey. I turn it up louder, I mean it was my car, so. He didn't seem to mind. I sang along, if you haven't noticed I'm quite confident. Who cares what he thinks? It's not like I'll ever see him again.
I look over at him. he's not even dancing, or tapping to the beat. I turn my music down. "Don't like my music?" I say laughing. "I like your singing better." He says jokingly and almost sincerely. "Well then." I giggle "It's gonna be a long ride." We both smile.

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