Chapter 6

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I wake up in a cold sweat, my head throbbing.
Elijah must've taken me home. I probably had to much to drink. "Y/n" I hear a whisper that turns my head to look over at the clock. 3:00 am. I get up out of my bed start walking toward my mirror and I head my name being called again. This time in the closet. I tip toe over and put my hand on the knob. I slowly turn it and open it. It's completely dark. I stare into the darkness for a little while before I hear a scream and the whisper say. "Run."
I turn around and go straight for the door, but when I turn the handle it locked. I start gasping for air but it's like there is none. I start to head for the window when the whispers get more loud and intense. "What have you done." Is all I can remember.
I wake up in my bed. Screaming. Sweat dripping down my face and me in shock.
Just a bad dream, right? I look at the time, it's 10:00. I hear a knock on the door and Elijah walks in and immediately asks why I screamed. "It's okay Elijah everything's fine." I look up at him. "Just a nightmare." I smile and he looks...not convinced. He eventually gets out of my room and so then I get dressed. I do my hair and brush my teeth. I walk out and I can't help but think of my dream. Was it really a dream? Could the spirits be upset with me? I'm to lost in thought to realize Elijah's talking to me. "Y/n are you listening."
"Yes sorry Elijah, just tired I guess. I don't think I got that much sleep."
He laughs. "Well what did you expect? We went to a bar and you passed out after 5 drinks like that." I fell asleep in the bar!? How embarrassing. "When did I fall asleep?"
"Actually you fell asleep at exactly 3:00."
3:00. It just keeps repeating in my head. But it must be a coincidence, there's no way. "Is something wrong y/n." He comes closer and our eyes lock. I didn't want to tell him so I just lied. "Of course Elijah." I give him a smile and he seems to except that. There's a little pause before he moves his head closer to mine. Was he leaning in for a kiss!? I didn't know what to do. I just kinda leaned in to but before our lips touched Someone started pounding on the door. Elijah walks out of the room and to the door. I stand by myself but I feel dizzy and I see the ground getting closer. And then it went dark.
"Y/n" I wake up in a dark room with a light above shining on me. "Who's there!" I shout. "Do you really think you can be with him?"
"He's a vampire, your a witch."
"You are his superior."
"He will use you!"
"You will disappoint us all!"

I wake up gasping for air when Elijah come in. "There was no one at the door. Strange."
I get up quickly without making noise. "Ya that's strange." I laugh but you can tell how fake it is. And then I walk away.

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