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black, oversized, and tightly fitting on the wide shoulders of kim seokjin, the sweatshirt he had robbed from jungkook's closet completely engulfed his slim figure.
jungkook awkwardly excused himself to the kitchen after showing the compacted closet to the young boy and seokjin found himself left alone in the man's room, still without a reasonable explanation as to why.
swiftly grabbing the closest one, the abstract design suitable enough for him to keep it, and slipped it over his bare chest.
he sat on the bed calmly and turned his attention to the moderate sized bedroom he'd found himself in this morning.
the entire room was rudimentary in his opinion, the mixture of those monochromatic colors dulling his sight, yet somehow it looked modern and futuristic.
the grey king sized bed went to show that either the man wasn't alone most nights or he desperately needs the space, but with the way he clung to seokjin it was a safe bet to assume the former.
for some reason the thought of someone sharing the bed together with the man who seemed to have taken a bit of a liking to him hurt.
he's pretty sure he knew why, but seokjin pushed those impure and very irrational thoughts far far down.
taking one last glance before standing up, he'd almost made it out the door when his eyes grazed upon a frame of his dream guy standing next to another man with a beautiful dimpled smile and exotic looking purple hair that rested on top of a dresser.
his loyal customer looked mesmerizing, while both were in suits, the one mimicking a rabbit with his large and adorable grin had chosen a bow tie and dimples had a tie present.
looking at it made him feel refreshed, yet slightly envious that even if he did not know the man, he was displaying a smile seokjin doesn't know if he'll ever see.
escaping hurriedly from the room so it doesn't seem as if he's snooping, jin closed the door quietly behind him and entered a long hallway with a restroom directly down the hall.
along the wall were framed masterpieces, gorgeous watercolors that lined the white wall, each imprinted with the miniature initials knj.
walking down and admiring each one, at the same time getting closer to the kitchen, the sweet aroma of pancakes wafted under his nose.
seokjin tore his eyes away and headed into the open kitchen and dining room that was to his left, only to be left stunned again.
the sleek marble counter, the pristine white tile, the island and bar stools, and all the equipment he could think of, jin had just walked into his dream kitchen.
disregarding jungkook's figure hovering over the stove, jin looked around in awe at the fantastic room, captivated by it's beauty nearly as much as jungkook, who'd turned to set a pancake on the plate behind him found jin, staring at him with an endearing smile plastered on his face.
setting himself down on a stool in front of the island he desired in his tiny apartment, his eyes refused to behave as they raked over the figure of the man in front of him.
competing with shoulders almost as wide as his, complemented by the fitted white shirt he'd thrown on clumsily, his back was ripped and jin gulped at the thought of being man handled by him.
thick thighs bustling against his black adidas sweats, jin avoided looking longer in that area due to obvious reasons.
no where else for him to look, jin watched in silence the way the man skillfully moved his way around the kitchen for pancake toppings and found it hard to hold in the giggle attempting to surface as he watched his impressively fluffy hair bounce as he moved.
a little bit of a giggle slipped accidentally and somehow automatically alerted jungkook, whose hands held a bag of powdered sugar.
looking curiously toward jin, many thoughts ran through his head.
there was quite a few things they needed to talk about, but no proper way to begin.
jungkook was a man of pride, so it was confusing to understand where his confidence went when he spoke to jin.
in hopes to get something out so the entire morning wasn't spent in silence, jungkook asked simply,
"why are you laughing?"
to which it was jin's turn to feel nervous, unknowing to the fact he was caught.
"i'm sorry mister, but the way your hair bounces is cute.
ahhhh maybe cute wasn't the right word, i'm sorry.
you're older than me and i've never been in this situation before and uh please tell me to stop talking."
immensely amused, jungkook chuckled, feeling like the temperature had just rose 30 degrees in the middle of december at seokjin's comment.
"seokjin, it's alright.
thank you actually, that's something i've never heard before."
seokjin could hear his heart pound louder than earlier after that, with an intent to escape his chest.
"my name is jeon jungkook, and i'm only 23 years old so i'm not all that obsessed over formalities or respect, because i believe they are earned, and your kidnapper you could say has yet to prove i deserve your respect."
one of the richest men in seoul?
that jeon?
i think i just might faint."
seokjin gaped, even more thoroughly confused and getting hungrier by the second.
before jungkook could even think of a response jin's stomach illicited an inappropriately loud grumble not suited for the current situation.
pushing the plate he'd finished preparing of pancakes topped with syrup, powdered sugar, and strawberries, when jin dove in after quietly asking for the appropriate cutlery, he spoke up again.
"i hope it's not a disappointment that i am him."
interrupting, a syrup drop hanging on the corner of his mouth that made jungkook tighten his grip on the counter to make him resist the impending urge to lick it away, jin said, finding his glass china incredibly interesting all of a sudden,
"of course not. just don't know how a man of your status finds any sort of interest in me that's all."
"you're joking right babe,"
allowing himself to let the pet name slip casually,
"i hope its not insanely creepy, but i've never seen anything as pretty as you are.
i went into that lounge to see my friend and consistently begun staying to see you."
dropping his fork and panicking when he heard the clatter it made against the plate, seokjin couldn't understand what he was hearing.
what was so special about him that he'd not only managed to capture his dream man's attention, that dream man turned out to be jeon jungkook, a powerful and one of the richest men in korea with a net worth of 67 million.
"can i know now exactly what i'm doing here now?
i'm getting more confused by the second."
knowing it was time and making a template in his head, jungkook admitted,
"it's all pure coincidence that at the exact time i pester hoseok into giving you a break that i bump into you, literally with a door, and have you faint in my arms.
"you asked WHAT?
what the hell are you doing meddling in my work life?"
not expecting the anger, yet understanding why jungkook sighed as he moved to sit at the stools besides jin,
"as an adamant viewer, it's difficult not to notice the decrease in your health, from the increased panting to the weight loss.
hoseok being a good friend of mine only made it easier to approach him about the situation.
he's offering you a week off, but i hope you'll take as much time to yourself to recover as you need."
shifting back and forth in his seat, seokjin released a deep sigh.
"i'd like that very much, but i can't.
i need to work."
he knew this would happen, but neither hoseok or jungkook could understand why this boy would overwork himself so excessively.
"what do you need the money for?
i could help-"
"no no no no, it's personal and it needs to be me that earns the money, and i can't have you doing that.
you're a highly respected man and i'm just a stripper.
don't waste your money."
jungkook stood up to grab jin's dishes, and upon hearing how the beautiful voice was wavering slightly he took it upon himself to pour the boy a glass of chocolate milk, something that always relaxed him, and slid it across the counter.
mumbling first,"you're not just a stripper,"
jungkook said,
"then at least let me pay for your college.
it would ease the financial burden on you, and allow me to put good use to the overwhelming amount of money i don't need.
like you said, i'm one of the richest men in seoul."
jin shook his head, the conversation becoming too much and not helping keep his rising anxiety at bay as he thought about why he needed the money.
"i can't let you-"
interjected, jungkook declared with delectable authority,
"i'm gonna pay for your school, so please let me.
now if you'd like i can stop by your house before taking you to the university."
"why are you doing this?"
jin questioned, waiting patiently for jungkook to grab his keys then walking side by side as they headed towards the elevator.
"because i can, and i want to.
i can't just sit around while my pretty boy suffers."
awkwardly seokjin tugged a string of hair to behind his ear, yet remaining unable to hide a genuine smile creeping on his face.
jungkook had one too, the one jin had been dying to see when he'd glanced at the frame in jungkook's room.
at this point it was hard to tell if his desires were limited to lust or if there was something else.

suprise! its 1.6k words and its kind of bad bc its been a while since i've gone full out like this so pls forgive! also i wrote a version of this last week in notes on my phone and when i tried to copy it my dumbass deleted over 1k words so i had to rewrite it but i was really upset so it took me a couple days. i'm done talking now but i hope you enjoy and hopefully i will not disappear for 2 months again.
xoxo <3
lex luther ((:
ps: i hate editing srry for mistakes :P
as always this is for the love of my life _ImPurple sorry to keep you waiting bub(;

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