Chapter 2

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Charolettes POV/:/

When Taylor and i got to the hotel, we ran up to our rooms.I walked into my room and saw that Mahogany LOX was in my room. i basicly freaked out and ran and gave her a hug. Mahogany and i have been friends sence as long as i can remember. I didnt expect to see her here because i didnt know that she was part of MAGCON. We sat on our beds and started catching up. I told her everthing about the flight with cameron and my date with Taylor tonight and she decided it would be best if we went out to get an outfit. we headed off to the mall in search for a new outfit for my date. To be honest, i think i was more excited than i should have been.

At The Mall//

We walked into victorias secret and i got a new pair of  leggings. On the butt they said PINK in sequins and they were mint green. We payed for our items and walked out. Mahogany wanted to go to Spensors and i dont like that store so i stayed outside and waited for her. While i was waiting i got a text from Taylor.

T: Hey (: wear comfortable clothes tonght! Nothing Fancy!

C: Okay! What are we doing tonight? 

T;Its a surprise! Ill see you at 7 (:

Mahogany walks out and we go into Brandy Mehlville and get a few crop tops.By this time it is aroung 4:30 and we both decide to go back to the hotel. 

At The Hotel// 

When we got into our room i decided on wearing a white lace crop top with a mint green bandou and my mint green leggings with silver sequin bailey bow uggs. I lightly curl my hair and put on very light makeup. I decide on wearing Bethany Mota perfume that i got at Aeropostale and i sit on the couch and wait. 

I hear a knock at the door. Damn i must have fallen asleep. i go the bathroom quickly to touch up and then i open the door to find Matt. I was so confused.

M: Hello! I am your escort to your date

C: *Giggles* Okay Mr.Espinosa!

and with that he leads me to a limo where i find Aaron. I dont really know aaron so we didnt talk the whole ride. When the limo stops, i step out to see a very handsome taylor. He is wearing a red bandana, an open cardinals jearsey and some kaki shorts with red vans. 

T: You look beautful!

C: you dont look so bad yourself Caniff!

Taylor grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes as if he is asking for permission. I nod my head and he starts leading me twards a group of trees. When we get to the top of a hill there are lights hanging above from the trees, a blanket on the ground and a giant movie screen by the water. I look at Taylor and start getting tears in my eyes! 

C: Tay nobody has ever done anything like this for me before... 

T: Well i guess im the first! 

C:I guess you are (:

Taylor leads me to the blanket and we lay there and the notebook  comes on the movie screen. Taylor tells me to lay my head on his chest so i do. We lay like this for the whole movie. 

When the movie was over, Taylor took my hand and led me back to the limo and right before we got in, he looked me in the eyes and i started to blush. He started to lean in as did I. Before i knew it we were having a full out makeout session. It was unlike any other kiss i have shared with someone. I felt tingly in my fingers and my stomach was doing flips. We pulled away and got into the limo. I feel like im definantly falling for Taylor but i am still second Guessing about Cameron.

Authors Note//://

Hey guys! So im really sorry that this chapter is kinda short and shitty. I will hopefully get better chapters up soon! Also follow me on twitter and tweet me "I read your fanfiction" and i will follow some of you back! Have a great day/night all you lovely people!! ~Peyton

Go follow me on twitter @cashsidecaniff 

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