Body in the hole

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"What?" He says trying to put his boot on but it refuses to in.

"Zayn wants us in the the Pit." Roach walks in to the tent.

"Well Zayn will have to wait because I can't get my freaking show on!"



"That shoe goes on the other foot."

Jason looks down at the shoe and groans.

"Come on Zayn wants us in the Pit before he comes out."



In the Pit.


As we harness ourselves to the rope and tree we start to climb down. We look around and all you can see is dirt and rocks. It goes down for miles and miles but no one knows how deep it really is.

"We've been here for months and we haven't found anything. What's he expecting now?" Jason asks.

Roach rolls his eyes and continues to climb down.

"You ask this every time we come down here. I don't know. But he wants us down here so we come down."

Jason keeps climbing muttering to himself that he should have just stayed up by the camp.

After what seems like hours Jason and Roach find a ledge to stop on to take a break. As they sit and take a drink. Roach sees something out of the corner of his eye and spits water everywhere as soon as he gets a good look at it.

"Roach! What the hell was that for?!"

He doesn't say anything but gets up and starts to run over to the other side of the Pit. Jason follows him and they both stop dead in their tracks as they look down.

"We better call this in."

Jason with shaky hands picks up the poorly homeme walky talky. "Z-Zayn."

The voice on the other line picks up.

"What now Jason" He says with a thick British accent.

"I-i think you better come down h-here. W-we found s-something."

Zayn jumps up and says "What did you find?"

"A-a body."

Zayn runs out of the tent and to the pit wondering who the body could be and if its alive. As he throws the ladder down the pit he climbs down to Roach and Jason. As he gets there he stops and looks at them.

"Is she alive?"


Zayn takes off his jacket and wraps it around the naked body and looks at them.

"How did she get down here?"

"I don't know."

"Let's get her back up. It will be night fall soon and we don't want to be out in the open like this."

As they pick the girl up and carefully climb up the Pit all these questions are running through their mind.

Who is this girl? Where did she come from? Why is she in the pit? And why does she look so familiar?


Hey guys!! Its Fuzzerz! How did you like it? Was it good? Was it bad? Who's the girl in the pit? What's going to happen?

>>>>> Pic of Zayn

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