Part 5 | billie asked u out?!

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Previously on episode 4.. u found out that Ethan likes you and Billie wanted to ask you something..

Billie:w-will you be my girlfriend?
Y/n: yes! *hugs her*
Billie: *kisses you*
Y/n: *kisses back

And the stalker Ethan saw Billie ask you out. So he decided to team up with zac and try to break you and billie up..

Ethan: bro you wouldn't believe what I saw!
Zac: what?!
Ethan: I eavesdropped on them and Billie asked y/n out!
Zac:'re not joking..right?
Ethan: why would I? I'm not lying!
Zac: we need to try to break them up..
Ethan: yup..

They kept trying to make up lies about you and Billie to break you guys up. But you both would never believe them since what happend before..

So here's what's happening rn between you and Billie (Also you guys live In the same house right now)

You were watching some television and Billie closes it then you say.. "HEY!" She said that you need to get dressed because you're  supposed to go somewhere.
You get dressed then you went in the car with Billie.
Here's what happend in the car:

Billie: so,where do you want to go?
Y/N: idk, you choose.
Billie: um okay what about *thinks while holding your thigh*
Y/N: *blushes a bit* s-stop holding my thigh..
Billie:oh what about the mall?
Y/N: ok!

Then Billie starts to drive then.. a car crash happend..

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