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After the ordeal Aizawa went through, he confirmed that he is actually in love with Shiraishi and made up his mind to confess to her after his recovery. Without much difficulty, Shiraishi accepted his confession as she have also taken a liking of him for the past decades they spent together. After being together for a few years, Aizawa finally proposed to Shiraishi and they got married shortly. Marriage didn't change anything in the hospital as they kept their professional side in the hospital and with them being in the different department made it easier for them as well.

Waking up in the early morning, Shiraishi felt sudden nausea seeking in as she ran to the toilet to throw up her stomach content. Feeling a little better, she sat on the sofa as she put her hand on her stomach as she smile lightly. She found out last month that she was 14 weeks into pregnancy and she could see a little bump forming on her stomach already. Aizawa left for a medical conference in Toronto just before she found out she was pregnant and she was planning to let him know when he come back as a surprise in another 5 months time.

Shiraishi kept her pregnancy as a secret to everyone as she doesn't want the others to treat her differently in the ER and forbid her to work but Hiyama and Saejima found out about it by accident when she fainted in the staff room due to fatigue the other day. She explained that she doesn't want anybody to know and would be glad if they could not spread to anyone about it. Saejima tried to persuade her to step down from the flight duties due to the past experience she had and she doesn't want the same thing to happen to Shiraishi but the staff leader was too stubborn to listen to her and just kept insisting that she will be fine.

Feeling lightheaded after her morning sickness that kicked in, she stumbled to get ready for work. Before she get into her car to drive to the hospital, she checked her duty schedule and sigh when she saw that she is on flight duty today. Walking into the staff room after arriving at the hospital, another wave of nausea hit her as she immediately rush to the toilet again. She was feeling very light headed as she walk weakly back to the lockers to get change where she see Hiyama sitting there.

"Ohayo" She greeted making Hiyama turn her attention to her

"Ohayo" Hiyama greeted her as she look at her "You look really bad Shiraishi" she continued as she walk over to her "Are you alright?" Hiyama asked once more as she see Shiraishi frown as she grab onto the locker door for support

"Uh, i am" Shiraishi replied with a forced smile and continue to change into her uniform as she grab her jumpsuit together.

"You're on flight duty today?" Hiyama asked where Shiraishi just nodded "I don't think you are in the condition to fly today Shiraishi, how about i swap with you?" Hiyama asked worriedly

"No, it's fine. I'll be alright" Shiraishi stubbornly replied and left to change into her jumpsuit

Hiyama sigh at the stubbornness of Shiraishi and walk out to the work station with a frown.

"Someone looks pissed this morning" Saejima said as she is packing the emergency bag after giving Hiyama a look

"Shiraishi seems to not be feeling too well, she insist to continue her flight duties today, i'm worried" Hiyama said as she look up to Saejima who is also in her jumpsuit "You will be on as well? I thought it was Yukimura?"

"She asked for a swap today and i agreed, don't worry too much, i'll keep an eye on her" Saejima reassured Hiyama.

The hotline suddenly sounded and Shiraishi ran out to answer the call

"Shohoku Emergency Center, what's the issue?"

"Requesting for Doctor Heli. A landslide happening due to a small earthquake that happened a while ago. An elementary school got covered due to the landslide and numbers of casualties unknown." Looking over to the control room, she could see a thumbs up "We are dispatching now" she said before hanging up

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