flash drive object terror goes to school written last year

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"I'm not confused, it's just you're making me think. Every time I see your face, I struggle to blink. I keep looking up at the sky but there's no light. It's the end of another lonely night." My alarm sung to me, reminding me of the fact that I had to wake up. I yawned while stretching, drawing the curtains as I did so. Rays of sunlight immediately hit my eyes, causing me to squint and groan. I yawned once more, allowing myself to become used to the light. I closed my eyes as I searched for the light switch. Once found, I turned the lights on. I've always found it fascinating how the lights can turn on upon pressure activation of a small switch. 

  I sleepily trudged over to the mirror on my wall and sluggishly removed my nightgown from myself. I grunted when I saw my body. Despite my BMI being 14.39, I still felt like I was far too overweight. "Maybe I shouldn't eat anything today..." I faintly suggested to myself. But I hadn't eaten for months. The only thing keeping me alive was the weekly red apple. They help with weight loss and their taste is okay. I decided that I'd eat an apple now so I wouldn't have to later. I kind of wish my parents cared for me, they could help me with my eating problems. I know something is wrong with me.

  Pulling a baggy red sweater over myself, I coughed. I couldn't stop coughing. I sped over to my bedside table and equipped my inhaler. After using it for its purpose, I felt okay. I found a baggy pair of long shorts. I call them that because they're not long enough to be considered anything but shorts. They were knee-high and a pastel grey in colour. I then scanned the room for my baseball cap. I remember when my dad first gave it to me. That was the only time he smiled.

  My eyes suddenly glanced to my clock. My bus was meant to arrive within the next ten minutes. Swiftly pulling my shoes onto my feet and tying the laces, I placed the cap on my head. I darted downstairs and took an apple. I reminded my dad that I loved him but, as usual, receive no response. I signed and grabbed my bag from the countertop and sped to the bus stop. As I got there, the bus arrived instantly. I paid the driver and seated myself next to a girl. It was the only available seat. I hoped she wouldn't make conversation with me; I'd never been good at talking to people. "Oh, hey there." she shyly glared up at me while chewing the drawstrings of her hoodie.
"Oh. Hello. Is there anything you need?" I tried to make eye contact with her.
"No... I'd just," she gazed into my eyes "like a friend."
I stayed silent, giving a slight nod.
"My name's Plug, and you?" she tried to keep talking to me.
Under my breath, I introduced myself.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" it was clear she hadn't heard me.
"Flash Drive."

  That was the end of the conversation and the rest of the ride to school remained with silence between us. How hadn't I seen her before? We'd been attending school for a week and she was on the school bus with me so it was obvious that we were headed to the same school. Perhaps she was just shy like me.  The bus suddenly jolted, indicating that we'd arrived. "Hey," Plug quietly drew my attention "meet me in the library at recess, got it?"
I rolled my eyes, not planning to go. Thanking the driver, I jumped out of the vehicle. I fished in my short's pockets for my timetable. My first lesson was science. Apparently we'd be doing something interesting today according to our teacher. Oh, he wasn't a teacher. He was a senior who was mastering science and had permission to educate us.

  Strolling through the halls to find my class, I accidentally slipped and fell into someone, knocking us both on the ground. "Oh god, I'm so-" I was cut off by myself when I'd realised who I'd hit. Wallet. Not only was he the school bully, but he was also an evildoer. He could harm me, I knew he could. Without letting him react, I picked myself up and sprinted to my class. I took a seat beside Recycling Bin who seemed very jittery.

  Our educator, Printer, made his way into the class. The lesson was nothing above average until the end. "Y'know how I said today would be interesting?" he tapped his fingers on his desk, taking in our responses. "Well..."
Printer slammed a corpse of a cat onto the desk, pulled out a knife that was half his size and sawed it through the dead body. Its blood and organs splattered everywhere. There were cries and screams of horror as he didn't stop. Printer stared at us with sadism in his eyes "Tell anyone what I've done and it'll be concussion time for all of you. Please note that once a cat dies, that's what stays inside." The bell sounded throughout the school seconds later and everyone except Recycling Bin darted out of the door, crying. He remained in his seat, froze. Blood was covering a full side of his body and the cat's heart lay on his lap. He was twitching, endless tears streaming from has face. When I first looked at him through the door's window, he was breathing heavily but that'd stopped. Printer led him to the medical office, eyeing me as he passed. Under his breath, he muttered "Don't tell anyone, unless you'd like to end up like the other tattletales."

  And so the day went on. I didn't meet Plug in the library and I didn't see Recycling Bin for the rest of the day. As the school day came to an end, I opened my locker and took my items from it. What caught my eye was the piece of paper in my locker. I chose not to open it until I returned home. What I saw on it terrified me.

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