Kitten (part 1)

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Ok so this story is from my old account. I had to delete Wattpad off my phone for a while, accidentally getting completely locked out of my account. I tried resetting it and shit but it wouldn't let me, so I had to make a new account (this one). Anyways, enjoy the smut, chirren!

Patton anxiously waits in a parking lot of a restaurant. He constantly checked his phone for the time, or possibly a text. This was the first time he ever felt true anxiety. Other than the time he asked his date out. After a couple minutes of waiting, he sees a small black car roll up next to him, and he practically leaps to the car. Out of the black car steps a tall man, with slicked back dark brown hair, a black long sleeve shirt, and a white tie with blue hearts on it. Patton hugs him as he shuts his car door and feels himself blush as Logan hugs back.
     "You came!" Patton said. He honestly didn't think Logan would.
"You expected otherwise? I recall saying that I would be here promptly at 7." Questioned Logan. Just hearing his voice made Patton's heart sing. He loved Logan, there was no doubt about that, yet he still tried to fight the butterflies in his stomach.
     "N-no..I was!' He giggles nervously and could feel himself blushing. He saw Logan softly blush and give him a small smile.
     "I was feeling quite nervous as well," He gestures towards the building and smiles a bit more.
"Shall we?" They both blush more and Patton feels himself getting flustered.
     "We shall." He answers in a nervous yet confidant tone. He could feel it. This was going to be a good night.

(Time skip about an hour cause I'm a lazy piece of shit) 

The two exit the building, laughing and holding hands. Patton is slightly tipsy from a glass of wine. Logan decided to stay sober because he a smart boi. Logan leads Patton to his car and opens the door.
      "Why, thank you, sir."' Patton says. Logan feels himself blush madly at the name, not really understanding why. Patton slurs a bit, but otherwise is pretty clear. He climbs in the car and buckles his seat belt.  Logan walks around the front of the car and gets in the driver's seat, doing the same. Logan turns the car on and pulls out of the parking lot. Patton starts quietly singing to a song on the radio.
     "Whoaaahhhh ain't nobooody quite like youu baby" Patton continues to sing along while Logan starts blushing from his side of the car. Eventually they make their way to a lonely, empty road in the middle of the woods. Patton has been quiet for a while and Logan has been too focused on the road to notice. All of a sudden, it all comes to an end.

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