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I open my eyes and i'm back in the same park i left a teary eyed Roger in. I grab my book bags and make my way towards a small group of people and ask them the time and date.
"uhh, 3:40 on November 21?" a guy tells me.
"And the year?" I ask, realizing how crazy I sound.
"it's 1976. are you okay?" he asks.
"yes yes. I am fine. thank you!" and I dart off in the direction of the pet shop.
"YOU'RE WECOME!" i hear him shout.
I've landed exactly where I wanted, in their time, it's been two weeks since i've left, which probably makes my arrival more dramatic.
Everything looks exactly the same as I left it, the hustle and bustle on the streets, the smell of pastries and coffee shops. oh so familiar. I carefully approach the pet store and through the window I see a sullen Tom behind the front desk. Roger was right, he's taking my departure hard... but what if he doesn't know who i am? what if his gloomy appearance is from something else. I start worrying that coming back reset everything and Tom or Harrison, even Roger won't remember who I am. I push my nerves aside and walk calmly through the door like a regular customer. If he recognizes me he recognizes me, if not i can easily play it off. I hear the all familiar door chime my eyes are locked on Tom. he doesn't even look up when he says, "Welcome to Arthur's Pet Shop. let me know if you need help." He was looking down messing with the unraveled string on his apron, I at least know he's upset about something he tends to fidget. I slowly start walking towards the desk and Tom finally looks up. His face goes white but his eyes light up.
"Q-Quinn?" He stumbles out. I start nodding my head.
"It's me." I smile. Before I know it Tom is running towards me and engulfing me in the tightest hug.
"I thought I would never see you again." I felt his tears hit my shoulder. He pulls back, keeping his hands on my back.
"Wait. Why are you back?" He asks.
"I-I mean, not that I don't like it or-r" he says.
"Tom," I say laughing, "it's okay. I came back for you. for Harrison. for everyone I missed here." I smiled. He pulls me in for a hug again.
"How long are you staying for?" He asks.
"Permanently." I say.
"P-Permanently? You're staying here forever?" He questioned.
"Yes, I'm happier here." I answer.
Arthur comes walking from the back storage room.
"Quinn? Back so soon! I thought you were going back to America?" He says.
"I did, but I realized I liked it over here better. So I packed my American life up and I'm back here." I say.
"Well, your job is still here. That is... if you still want it." Arthur tells me.
"Of course, Arthur. I loved this job and working here." I smile.
"Well welcome back! I'll get you on the schedule next week. Enjoy this week to get resettled." He gives me a wave and heads out the door. I turn my attention back to Tom.
"So tonight Haz and I are doing a food and game night, technically the first one without you. So i say we surprise him." Tom smiles.
"I agree" I smile back, we discuss the plan and Tom tells me my old apartment is exactly how I left it. He and Harrison couldn't handle it just yet. He hands me my key back and keeps the spare for himself. I hug him one last time and make my way back to my apartment.

I unlock the door to my apartment and find exactly how I had left it. I set my book bags down and walk around I noticed my bed sheets were messy... I could've sworn I made the bed before I left. I begin unpacking everything and find my old polaroids. I return some of them back to my refrigerator. I see the one of Queen and I. Would they remember? I think of Roger and realize he is with Dominique now, but the friendship would still be nice. I pause my un packing and make my way to two locations in search of Roger. 1) his home or 2) Queens recording studio. I check the studio first and sure enough I hear Freddie's voice booming through the speakers.
"I told you darling, the piano notes are to low, I need to raise them." Followed by Deaky's voice, "No No. It matches perfectly with the bass." Brian finally speaks up, "let's just run it again yeah? well record it and play it back for people and see their thoughts."
"well I like your thoughts." Freddie says towards Brian. Not hearing Roger, I finally step into the doorway. 
"QUINN? QUINN DARLING?!" Freddie practically asks, confused to see me in front of him.
"Hi Fred. Deaky, Brian." I look at them and wave. Freddie is already hugging me and Brian and Deaky join him.
"I thought you headed back to America?" Brian asks.
"I did, but realized I belong here." I smile
"Belong here? Darling you should've been born here. London is perfect for you." Freddie smiles handing me a small glass of champagne.
"Oh Quinn! you can hear our demo and tell us. is the piano too low or does it match Deaky's bass?" Freddie tells me. He and Deaky head towards their instruments. Brian stands beside me and I am still curious as to where Roger is, but i remain quiet. Simply enjoying being around these three again. They begin playing the notes and the music sends chills down my body.
"PAUSE. pause it." Brian says. "Quinn got chills, we're keeping the notes." Brian adds.
"I won't argue with Quinn's music taste then. Low piano it is!!" Freddie exclaims. I cant believe I just "decided" notes for a Queen song.
"Oh darling, you're probably wondering where Rog is. We sent him for coffee he should be back soon." Freddie tells me. And as if right on cue in walks Roger holding four coffees. If it wasn't for Fred whisking them out of his hands he would dropped them all as soon as his eyes landed on me.
"Quinn." He half whispers.
"Hi Roger." I give him a slight smile. There's an awkward silence hanging in the room.
"Alright, you two clearly need to talk so uh, Fred, Deaky? let's get some air and drink our coffee, yeah?" Brian says. The other two nod their heads and out the door they go. A couple minutes go by before one of us speaks.
"Why are you back?" Roger cuts dry. "You got in the time travel machine. you left." He says.
"I did. and Your future self came and visited me. You told me all about how happy you were and how you told stories of me to your kids. But you also told me how bad Tom suffered. I came back for him. I also came back to actually be there for your kids. Instead of just some story of a person they'll never meet except through photographs." I explain. Roger steps closer and pulls me into a hug.
"I still love you, but I am extremely happy with Dominique." He tells me.
"I'm not asking you to leave her. I didn't come back here thinking you would forget everything and come back to me. I came back to also be a part of your happiness. To experience with you, as a friend." I smile.
"I gladly accept. I would love having you back in my life as well as Dominique. My two favorite ladies." He hugs me again and I hug back.
"Well I am in the same apartment and the same phone number, so you know where to find me." I tell him.
He smiles and I can hear the door opening revealing Freddie, Brian and Deaky.
"Oh. Do you guys need more time er..?" Freddie says.
"No, no. we are good. we are fine." I smile, Roger does too.
"Well then, this song isn't going to write itself! Quinn darling you are welcome to stay!" Freddie tells me as he heads towards the piano.
"Thank you Fred, but I have a few other things to take care of, So i'll get out of your all's way." I tell him.
"Well it was lovely seeing you and I can speak on behalf of the band in saying We are glad you are back." Freddie smiles and hugs me. The rest of the boys do too, Roger holding on a little longer.
"See you guys around. Good luck on the album, my ears are ready to be a test listener." I wave before heading out the door.
"We will take you up on that." Deaky smiles while slinging his guitar over him. I smile and close the door. I return back to my apartment to finish setting everything back up and getting ready to head to Tom's. Harrison is last on the list to know my return.

With You Always //sequel to TTL Where stories live. Discover now