Explosions Frackin Hurt

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It was a normal day in the hectic Class 1-A, well, as normal as it was ever gonna get. Mineta was at it again; harassing the poor girls in the class, but the girls know how to handle themselves. They aren't heroes for nothing.

"Mineta you nasty grape how are you even a hero," Jirou said as she peeled the perverted smol piece of trash off of herself and threw him into the wall. "this school system really needs to rethink who they take in."

"Aww come one let me just have one little touch-" Mineta freed himself from the wall, only to find himself face to face with none other than Katsuki Bakugou.

$&@?!/& HERO?" Bakugou ignited his palms and it lit his face up orange. The glow from the small sparks made the menace all more scary, and Mineta wasn't gonna mess with that.

"Dang, can't I have any fun around here?" Muneta acted innocent and as if nothing happened at all.

Bakugou wasn't taking his shit

He lunged at the nasty grape boy and let off a copious amount of large explosions perfectly aimed to just hit the pervert and keep the room and everyone else in the safe zone. The explosions sounded as if multiple machine guns were firing at the same time. The noise rang through the classroom as the explosions ceased.

"Dang." Sero called from the back of the class.

"Someone has been drinking that 'ol respect women juice." Kaminari snarked.

"This trash needs it more than I do, and I may be mean but I'm not that bad." Bakugou scoffed as the smoke cleared.

The explosion hero didn't move.

Laying there on the ground was Mineta, but he was drowning in his own pool of blood.

Bakugou didn't hold back

There was no way Mineta could have survived that.

"What have I just walked into-" Mr. Aizawa had just walked into the room - not in a sleeping bag surprisingly - and immediately stopped. "What. Have. You. Done." Aizawa's voice went cold. There was so much anger in his eyes that the students could feel it burning holes into them. "You killed Mineta . . . WITHOUT ME?"

"Excuse me what?" Iida called from the back of the class, just as confused as everyone else was.

"Come on. If your gonna kill someone, at least do it correctly. I'll help you hide the body. We can blame it on the villains." Aizawa wrapped up the piece of trash's body with his capture weapon.

"You gonna come? Or just stand there with your mouths wide open?"

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