Ayato X Short Reader Pt2

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Your Pov~

It's been about ten minutes since I rushed out of the piano room and I've finally calmed down. I sit up and let out a light sigh. "I guess he knows now. I'm just gonna have to deal with what happens next." I sigh once more and lay down with my stomach against the bed and my head in my pillow.  I tense when I feel the bed shift.

"Y/N," Ayato calls out my name. I'm way too humiliated to face him so I just stay as I am. Ayato sighs. It goes silent and I'm thinking he left, that is until two strong arms pull me close. I squeak and cover up my blushing mess of a face. "Y/N, look at me, please?" Ayato asks gently. I'm genuinely shocked since I have never heard Ayato speak in such a gentle tone. He's usually just demanding. I hesitantly uncover my face and look at him. Ayato smiles sweetly at me and places a hand on my cheek. My blush worsens.

"Ayato-kun?" I try to look away but my body won't let me. It's like his emerald eyes put me under this trance. Ayato caresses my cheek and chuckles.

"I'm not good with expressing my feelings so bare with me," he says before taking a breath. "You are a strange mortal. You're always causing me to feel things I've never felt before. It drives me insane. Reading page 5 of your journal didn't make things any easier. I was feeling mixed emotions. It made me happy to know you loved me but sad seeing how upset you were knowing I was going to find out. I was even pissed at Laito for showing me. I-I don't really know much about love and I'm not the best at romance but if you're willing to help me learn I promise I will never hurt you." 

"Of course!" I pounce on him and snuggle him closely. I look up to see a deep blush on Ayato's face. I giggle and kiss his nose. "My adorable oreo-chan~" He blushes deeper and buries his face against my neck.

"And you're my cute shortie." He mumbles. 

"Hey, I'm not short!" I pout. He chuckles and places sweet kisses on my neck. I puff out my cheeks but smile. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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