Spring - June 1, 2016

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June 1, 2016

I wonder if other people do this - if they ever have a notion of the absolute truth before that truth seems plausible. I wonder if it has happened for you. Have you ever met someone, and immediately known: I have the capacity to love you? This is how I would have described this four months ago, and it's still how I'd describe this, today. While I don't love you, yet, I know I could.

I kept putting off permanence, refusing to cite you in ink, because I kept thinking: You are too good to be true. With today, I have learned that you are good, and true. The reality of you has exceeded the image of you. I want you in my life for a long time.

I'm putting this into the universe, and I know it can hear me.

This is me putting it out there and speaking it into existence: Please, let her stay.

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