- Foreward

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      This plot is not plagiarized or stolen!
deardarjeeling has given me full permission to use this story/plot! (Thank you!) and from now on will be posted on my account!

      Lauren has posted a full explanation as to why she gave this plot to me on her message board, so I'd encourage you to give it a read before reading this story!

— A few disclaimers! —

      English is not my first language but I have full confidence in my writing abilities, but if I do make grammatical mistakes please let me know so I can fix them!

      This is my first time writing so it may not end up as good as the original.

      Lauren has given me full permission to change or rewrite any of the chapters, but I don't think I'll be changing much because I enjoy her writing as is, but I am in no way going to take any form of credit for her original writing!

      I hope you enjoy the story regardless of the transition over to my account! And I will try my best to keep up with chapter updates!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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