1. Football

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Senna's POV

"This is our newest recruit, William Miller," says Tim.
"Hi William," we all chorus back.
"Please, call me Will," he says in a slight British accent. I've never met anyone with a British accent. He is very tan, which is probably normal for anyone who lives in Miami, and has dark blond hair and intense green eyes. They seem light against his tanned skin.
"Tell us a bit about yourself Will," Tim says.
"Well," Will starts nervously. "I just moved here from Miami, Florida. I'm originally from London and I enjoy playing football."
   "Interesting, I would have never guessed that," Tim says.
   "I would assume he means soccer," I say, trying not to sound like a Know-It-All.
Will turns my direction with a surprised look on his face. "Yes, um, soccer. I can't seem to break the habit of calling it football."
I smile at him reassuringly because he seems a little nervous.
   "Anyway," says Tim changing the subject, "welcome aboard mate." He gestures for Will to sit. Will slides into the desk behind me to the left. I can feel his gaze on me as he settles into his seat.
Once the meeting is over, I put everything in my backpack quickly. Walking out of the classroom, I pull my phone out and glance at my notifications.

12 mins ago
I know ur in a meeting rn, but when ur done do u want to meet up at Vanilla?

Sure be there in a bit!

   "Excuse me?"
I can tell instantly that it's Will because of the accent.
I turn to see him looking at me. "Yes?" I ask a little confused but polite.
   "How did you know about the football vs soccer thing?" He asks.
   "I didn't realize it was a secret," I reply smiling.
   "It's not," he says hurriedly, "but many people don't really know about that."
   "Oh?" I say, "I had no idea, I've learned about it from reading books, I also learned that our football is your rugby. They're a little different, but similar enough to group them together."
He smiles at that. "You're very knowledgable."
I laugh at his choice of words. "Do you normally speak like that?"
   "Like what?" He asks genuinely confused.
   "You use big, fancy words." I reply.
   "I do?"
   "I don't think I know a single high schooler that uses the term knowledgable."
   "Oh." He pauses for a second and I'm beginning to think I've insulted him. "Is that bad?" He asks.
   "No! Definitely not, it's kind of nice to see a change." I say.
   "Thank you," he says giving me a small smile.
   "Hey listen, I have to go and meet up with a friend, but I'll see you tomorrow."
He almost seems a little disappointed that I'm leaving, but maybe I just imagined it.
   "Alright, well have a good time." He replies.
   "I will," I grin, "and if you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask me."
   "I'll try to think of something," he says, tapping his chin. I laugh and turn to go but as I start to walk away he calls out. "Wait! I didn't catch your name!"
I turn around to see him, "I'm Senna."
   "Senna," he repeats, "I was lovely to meet you."
   "You too!" I wave at him and head back towards the doors.

   Arriving at Juniors, our local coffee shop I can already see Carter sitting at our regular table. I go up to the counter and order my usual. A decaf iced caramel coffee made with almond milk, and a single pump of vanilla. The barista slides my drink across the counter to me and I hand him the money.
   "Have a nice day!" He says politely.
   "You too." I head over towards Carter. "Hey, sorry I took so long."
   "It's fine." He replies. "How was your day?" He asks, as if he hadn't just seen me at school all day.
   "Fine, but the reason I was late was because there is a new guy in town."
His eyes flick up at me with a hint of something I can't quite figure out. "Oh?"
   "Yeah, his name is Will and he just moved here from Miami, but he's originally from London."
   "That's cool." Carter says sounding a little be forced.
I narrow my eyes at him. "Why are you being weird?"
   "What do you mean?" He asks innocently.
   "Carter! I've known you since we were four, I can read you so easily!"
   "It's nothing!" He says defensively. There's a pause before he speaks again,
"Is he nice?"
   "Yes, he's very posh or proper." I smile remembering him using the word knowledgable.
   "What do you mean?" Carter asks.
   "Well he was using big words that I don't think I've ever heard a teenager use, and he was incredibly polite."
He looks annoyed slightly, and I'm starting to get confused at why he would be irritated with me when he says. "Should we do some homework?"
   "Probably," I say sliding my mathbook out of my backpack trying to shake off my confusion. I start working on my homework and we work in silence, with the quiet chatter of other people flowing around us.

10 mins later
I glance up from my notebook to see Will ordering coffee at the counter. I quickly go back to my notebook, but I can't focus. The seconds tick by and I'm thinking he didn't notice me. I start to relax, and focus on my note book.
   "Hey stranger." I jerk my head up from my notebook.
   "Oh, Will, hi!" I say trying not to look too startled.
   "Hey, long time no see!" He says.
   "Um, yeah!" I glance at Carter who is staring at Will with a slightly hostile look on his face. "Will, this is my best friend Carter." I say. "Carter, Will."
   "It's a pleasure to meet you," Will says holding out his hand. Dang was he charming.
Carter takes it, "Likewise." He says.
   "Well it was great meeting both of you today, but I have to go." He smiles at both of us and turns to leave.
   "Bye Will, it was great to see you again!" I say.
   "You too." He replies. His eyes lock on mine for just a second before he pushes the doors open and walks into the the warm spring air.

Author's Note:
Yes, I changed Ezra's name to his real name Will. He is the same character except that I left Rhyme out of the story line. I totally ship Rhyme and Ezra, they are just SO problematic and can't figure themselves out and I can't write fanfic about them due to this! So I changed it and had him meet Senna.
Hope you guys enjoy this cute little fic about Will!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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