• A-Z Challenge •

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I saw this on Tumblr and decided why not give it a try?
Its my first time doing this challenge :P

A - Admiration

Neito Monoma admires your dashing good looks and personality. You're very smart, brave and reliable, He always wondered what you thought of him. Theres nothing much to say about him, really. His personality just amuses you

B - Boast

Okay, He boast about how great of him having such an amazing girlfriend like you, not just like you but exactly you
At first, nobody believed him having a girlfriend, I'll do the same actually.
His classmates gets sick of how much he boast about you

C - Cuddles

What could possibly be better than having cuddles with Monoma during a rainy day or any day? Hes grip on you is so tight especially if he falls asleep
You could barely stand up because of the heavy damn arms holding you down

D - Dates

Often you guys go to some fancy restaurant with French foods cause this boy likes 'em. You dont complain much since you got used to it but of course theres time you pick the places amd restaurants you go to,  If not you'll be mad

E - Embarrass

You get embarrassed of how much he talks about you, You know he thinks youre great and all but sometimes it goes high above to the breaking point, its always above the breaking point anyway. You have that smug look when you're the one embarrassing him by sharing a few embarrassing stories or when hes a softie stories to his classmates or anyone he knows

F - Food
Lets not forget one of the favorite things in the world, Food!
Honestly, you only eat food when it looks appetizing same goes to Monoma but he wont argue if its french food
One time he tried to cook lasagna and serve it to you and judging by the looks of it, you'll need the bathroom after tasting it. Tell you what, everytime you cook something for Monoma he becomes a food critique he'll talk about the taste, the smell, the texture, the sweetness and etc.

G - Games

You both arent gamers, you're still better than him whenever you play against him. Hes not the type of person to waste his time playing and losing to games. Hes still good with the pocky game though

H - Hair

You like messing his hair which he isnt happy about although he does the same to you. When bored he'll play with your hair and sometimes braid it

I - Ignorance

He can sometimes be an ignorant person, which you dislike about him.
He often doesnt understand and needs explanation and examples.
He tried ignoring you for the whole day, wasnt a success but he did ignore you half of the day. You werent happy

J - Jealousy

He'll be just behind you and secretly giving insane glares at the guy talking to you, after talking he'll give a sarcastic insult the dude and leave like nothing happened
If it was one of class a he'll put his arm around your shoulder and start ranting about them like he always do

K - Kiss

He gives you cute love kisses on the cheek and forehead, when alone a quick peck on the lips or long passionate kiss is possible

L - Love

You both love each other more than anything else. Who else do you love other than him?
You both show your feelings through words and actions

M - Marriage

He wont have any second thoughts whether to marry you or not.
He'll propose at the right day, at the right time. He wants it all perfect.
He knows you are the right one to share love, stories, children with him for a lifetime

N - Nicknames

When fooling around you guys call each other nicknames. Either fun, insulting or sweet.
He often call you Darling
You often call him Copycat

O - Opportunity

Finding the right oppurtunity to do something with each other.
Like surprise kisses, gifts, news and etc

P -  Pizza

Having a terrible night or having a movie night, just order pizza.
You have your favorite movie, Monoma and then pizza
It'll make it ten times better! You eat the pizza, he eats the popcorn

Q - Quirk

He basically copy your quirk whenever needed for battle. He has his own strategy on using it too, You're pretty impressed. At first you tought him how to use your quirk properly just so he wont hurt himself by using it

R - Recover

When recovering from a fight combat and receiving alot of injuries.
Both of you get worried to each other, Who knows maybe the love of your life is at Deaths Doorstep

S - Smack

You need to do this because of his obnoxious attitude. You dont remember a single day that you didnt give a smack at the back of the head
Theres gotta be atleast one, right?

T - Temper

He kinda loses his temper when you are nonstop talking to or about someone or something, especially if its about class A. You lose your temper when hes endlessly ranting about them
It gets to your nerves how he doesnt run out of insults to say to them.

U - Unexpected

Unexpected surprises, gifts, kisses, news and maybe even, You know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

V - Value

Both of you have worth to each other
You wouldnt be together if there arent of course :)

W - Worry
Worries appear whenever a villain attack occured somehwere where one of you are, got hurt, looking gloomy and etc

X - X-ray

You dont know how much you get worried when one of you needs an x ray because of an incident and sometimes doesnt even meed xray
You both dont want anything bad to happen to each other

Y - Yapping
You love annoying him so much and wait till a vein pops out of his head.
You'll be running while screaming once it happens

Z - Zzz

You dont have a problem with him whem you both sleep together, but he does. Every night when you sleep your hand would smack his face and our foot kicking his back of the bed.
While he stays on one spot and position when sleeping.
In the morning you'll find him on the floor

This honestly sucks ;-;
Do you know how long it took me?
Longer than long

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