Chapter 22: Hocus Pocus 101

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Arman questioned, "So you're telling me magic exists?" Mr. Know it all said, "Of course it does, magic is as real as I am." "How is this even possible?" he scratched his head, "magic and everything is superstitions." "Oh well, the more you learn, the more you'll understand how magic works and what it's all about." "You mentioned I also have magic inside me," Arman said, "What kind of magic do I have?"

"Well, how can I convey this?" Mr. Know-it-all stammered out his remarks. Arman then glanced at Hopendro, who had healed him, and realized he had a connection to healing since all he could do was heal. "I am a healer or a healing mage , am I correct?" he said. "YES! I mean yes." Mr. Know-it-all exclaimed, "You're a healer," and Hopendro sent him a glance, but Mr. Know-it-all cut her off before she could say anything more. "You know you ought to pick up some healing skills from Hopendro," he remarked. "I ought to? But what about my life back there, my classes?" Arman enquired while considering his existence outside of this new environment. "Oh, don't worry, I'll work something out," Mr.Know It All comforted. "But I think you should learn the foundations of magic before you learn about healing magic." Mr.Know It All gestured to a person seated in the hallway, and the person quickly approached him and addressed him as master. "So Arman, this is Poncho, a Spirit Mage, and he'll teach you the basics of magic outdoors on the training grounds." Persuaded, Arman went out with Poncho.


"How much magic do you know then?" questioned Poncho. "Nothing, I'm new to this," Shyly, Arman said, "Oh, it's okay, we'll start from the top." He explains everything while sitting.

"All right, so there are two categories of magic: black magic and white magic. In essence, magic is colorless; it is characterized by your own intentions when you work with it. White magic signifies magic used for good actions, while black magic indicates magic utilized for wicked deeds." "Okay," Arman said, "There are two sorts of energy, Aura and Manna." Poncho's palm began to shine as he raised it to show Arman, and something akin to vapor emerged from it. "Aura, as you can see, originates from within you." Poncho then pauses and begins to move his hands, causing a little quantity of energy to develop in the air. "And Manna is something that is in the world, the energy that impacts everything," he says.

"The basic rule applies to all magic. In order to produce, you must contribute something. means that you need to make an equal trade in order to receive something out." "A comparable trade?" Asking Arman. "For instance, master changes his look by employing the spell Decivious Optica, which he casts with a small amount of inner energy." Poncho asks, "Can you employ any sorts of spells?" as he pulls a stick out of a nearby tree. "I suppose that the words I have been using are actually spells." "Healios, Laomai, and Nocturno," was Arman's response. Poncho grew perplexed. "Nocturno? That one is new to me, but I'll show how the spell typing and the casting circles work." Poncho continues by drawing three circles with incredibly detailed motifs on them. "Spell casting circles that represent various things come in three different varieties. The star represents direction, the moon represents healing, purity, and reversal, and the sun represents power. When Arman learned about the star, it was as though he had heard about it before and was aware of it.

"What is the issue?" Poncho inquired. "Nothing, please proceed," Arman responded "Okay, then let me give you some examples. Healios is a spell that employs the Sun spell casting circle. I know that, despite its seeming simplicity, Healios actually calls for a great deal of power. Laomai employs the moon spell casting circle because of its capacity to undo the effects of a spell as well as cure wounds." Poncho rubs off the te casting circle he made on the sand "All right, so those are the fundamentals of magic." "What type of magic do you use, Mr. Know It All said you were a spirit mage?" Arman inquired. Poncho grinned and replied, "Yes, I have the type of magic that allows me to summon spirits to help me in situations where I need them." "So you use spirits as weapons?" "More like comrades," Poncho instantly replied.

Arman thanked Poncho but continued to stare about, mesmerized by the stunning scenery. "Want a tour of the island?" Poncho remarked with a smile, "I would love that," and Arman kindly answered.

Poncho took Arman around the stunning landscapes, mountains, artifacts and monuments, the beach and jungles, and the entire castle. "It's time for you to go back you know" replied Mr. Know it all who arrived behind them: "Thank you, Poncho, for taking care of him". "You're sending me back?" Arman said "Well you do have a life to live and in any ways, your college is about to start in few minutes, so I'm going to teleport you directly towards your college washroom, buckle up" Before Arman could speak another word, Mr. Know it all flicked his wrist, and he was in the college's second-floor restroom.

"Wouldn't surprise me anymore, but God damn it." Arman chuckled apprehensively. After using the restroom, he looked at his phone. After seeing that he had missed twelve calls from Ashita, Arman became terrified and thought, "She's going to murder me if I don't contact her." When he finally phoned her, he heard her yelling, "Where are you, your mom claimed you went early morning for some college work?" "College work?" Arman asked himself.


"I ensured your mother believed you were off to college so she wouldn't worry about your whereabouts." Mr. Know-it-all texted. "Well, I had some personal things to attend to, but I'm already at the college," "You might have let me know beforehand, but well, I'm on my way."
The phone was retained by Ashita.

The lecture started, but Arman was only thinking about magic and its associated topics. His inquisitiveness grew more, drawing attention to himself and his new found abilities.


"Tomorrow at the same time and location, you'll learn more about magic:)" Upon reading the text, Arman grinned and was pleased. Though she noticed the smile, Ashita chose not to inquire more.

"You didn't do the right thing, Gaberoth," said a dark shadowy figure standing far away, using a crystal ball, his eyes and attention were on Arman. "You have called for a war, but don't worry, there will be carnage for sure, as I, the commander of this army, will make sure that this lad will not be able to live."

"You have no notion, of what I have done and what I am about to do, so threaten all you want, I can see what the future holds in store, and if you want to know whats going to happen next, then I'll simply say, certain things are better left unseen," declares Mr. Know it all, as he stares forward in the castle.

Mr. Know it all turns and looks behind him to see Lukas. "So it has begun?" he says, to which Mr. Know it all replies, "absolutely indeed. We all need patience since we never know what the future holds for each of us."

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