•Rules are Rules•

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《Chapter 1》

▪︎In the Castle▪︎

"As the princess of Eclipsal, you must get married!", Queen Celestial shouted. Ophelia storms out of the room, running of to her bedroom. "Uhhh! Why do I even have to get married, like, we're already a strong kingdom and adding forces will just complicate things.". Suddenly, Ophelia heard a knock on her door, "What is it?", "It's me Ophelia, you know, your friend Cressida...". She opens the door to see Ophelia on her bed, they talked and had a little fun, like what girls do. "Thanks for coming, I'm just stressed about this whole marriage thing" Ophelia sighed, "It's my pleasure, you should get some rest Ophelia, you know you're a princess" Cressida said. Cressida leaves the room, to do chores and to send messages to the Queen.

As Cressida walks by the castle, she spots one of the butlers carrying some cleaning supplies. "Wait, is that Orion? I should help him...". She runs to the butler, and in fact it is Orion. Cressida has a huge crush on him and will always do anything to try and get his attention. They had small talk and laughed for a bit. Cressida and Orion were in a way best friends, but, Cressida was not allowed to confess her feelings. There is a specific rule in the castle that no worker, maid, butler, messenger, anyone aside from the royal family, is allowed to have any relationships with eachother. She was quite depressed about that rule, but, hopes that one day, it could be changed, that she may finally be able to confess to Orion...

▪︎Next day▪︎

Ophelia awakes to knocking on her door again. "Good morning Ophelia! I got you your breakfast.", Cressida then jumped into her room, "Talk about manners Cressida" Ophelia laughed. Early in the morning, Cressida and Ophelia always have breakfast together in the bedroom, as her mother, Queen Celestial, does allow this as their time to mingle with eachother. After eating, they head downstairs to prepare for a test flight, to see if their new battleship is ready. They put on their gear to get started, "1...2...3....4....5... SHIP IS NOW READY", they blast off and start a little adventure, to go and visit a planet that may become one of their forces. "Are the engines alright Cressida?",Ophelia questioned, "Yup, it's doing just fine" Cressida replied. Suddenly, "SHIP IS MALFUNCTIONING", "Huh?! Wait, Cressida what happened?" She accidently pressed some buttons, which made the ship malfunction, "No no no no... shoot, how can I fix this?!" Cressida panicked, "Do something!!!" Ophelia screamed. Then, the ship crashed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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