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Serena sat in her room later that night, after Paul had dropped her home.

All that filled her mind was the conversation she had with Leah.

"You got Lucky Serena, but I think after all you did, I think you deserve it"

"After all I did? What are you talking about?" Serena looked at her confused

Leah cocked an eyebrow," Are you joking?"

"Do I look like I am?" Serena chuckled

Leah stared at her," You always been the big sister, and peacemaker, for all of us. You always focused on taking care of everyone but yourself, even if you were in a relationship, all you wanted for what was best for everyone. Then, even after you had gotten hurt, with the whole Paul situation, you still tried to make everyone happy, when you were hurting"

"It was something I just enjoyed doing Le," Serena said as she continued to shower and she heard Leah chuckle

"Right, then after you came back, you do the same thing over again, taking care of Charlie, since his good for nothing daughter is stressing him. Also, Mom, you have been helping her cope since D-Dad's death"

"I do it because I love you guys" Serena smiled as she got out of the shower wrapping herself with a towel.

"I know, and we love you as well, but you don't need to feel obligated on our happiness. It's because of you, that Seth, Mom and I are able to move forward each day," Leah added

Serena shook her head," No way, that's-

"It is, and you have no idea how much you did just by standing by us, so no Serena, I don't think it's silly, and you deserve to make this decision, without anyone telling you otherwise" Leah commented

The door of Serena's bedroom opened slowly, revealing Rachel and Jacob both grinning at her," Hey, so, how did everything go?" Rachel asked first as she sat next to Serena on the bed, with Jake following in tow, sitting on the other side of Serena, as she was sandwiched by her younger siblings.

"We talked, and we decided to try and work it out," Serena said carefully, mainly because she knew Jacob was tensing up," Define that for me, Serena," He asked

"Meaning, we aren't jumping in a relationship, and casually and slowly, getting to know each other, especially since we did change over the years" She answered

Rachel smiled," Well, I think that's a good thing"

"GOOD THING?! THAT'S THE BEST THING EVER!!" Serena jumped as she heard Rebecca's muffled voice, and Rachel lifted the phone in her hand, that had her twin on the line, on speaker. Making Rachel smile

"It's not a sibling talk if Bex is not in the conversation"

Jacob let out a sigh," If he hurts you again, I will kill him"

Serena looked at him," Don't think he's the only one that can hurt me, Jake, just like him, I can hurt him, so please, just, be the line between this one, he is your pack brother, he deserves the same treatment like me" He looked at her frowning, but knew better to argue with her, and agreed.

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