f o u r

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"I can give you a ride" Nate says.
"I think I'll go by foot, but thanks" I say.

I get out of the skating park when someone grabs my wrist.
"are you going home alone?" Ethan asks.
"yeah it's not that far" I say.
"no way, it's too dark I'll take you home" he states.

sometimes he knows how to be bossy.
I nod and I follow him to his car.

in his car
I literally can't take my eyes off of him, his jawline, his careful green eyes, his hands, his veins. is it warm or is it just me?

"are you hungry?" he asks.
"yeah" but not of food if you know what I mean.
he smirks and parked the car in front of Mc Donald's.
"Grant, are you taking me on a date?" I laugh.
"maybe who knows?" he laughs too.

god his laugh..
we ate and we made jokes all the time.
but what am I doing here with him? and what about Alissa? I can't do this to her.
"it's almost midnight you should seriously take me home" I state.
"yeah, let's go" he says.

we didn't really talk during the way, but I felt his eyes on me many times.
I fell asleep in his car and that's the last thing I remember.

the following morning
my alarm clock goes off, I wake up in my room and I see a shape at my door.
"so?" my mom asks.
"uhm?" I mumble rubbing my eyes.
"who's the cute guy that took you home?" she asks.

"mom, he's just a friend" I say throwing a pillow at her.
"yeah sure" she laughs closing the door behind her.
"don't be late, there's school" she yells out the door.

I put on something comfy because periods aren't an option so..

at schoolsomeone grabs my shoulder"you dressed up like a highlighter?" Alissa asks

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at school
someone grabs my shoulder
"you dressed up like a highlighter?" Alissa asks.
"yeah I want to bring out my beauty" I joke.
"and what do you do when you don't have one?" Kimberly says walking past me.

"I look at you and then I get self-esteem" I say, but she's too far to hear me.
"woah that was intense" Alissa says.
"I don't care what she thinks I don't even know why she hates me" I state.
"probably she's just jealous" Alissa says.

"of what? I don't even like her stupid boyfriend, Ethan is such a jerk, he may be good-looking, but that doesn't matter if you don't have anything in your brain.." Alissa shushes me.
"Sky.." Alissa says worried.
"what? I'm telling the truth and he always treated me bad in the past so I don't know why I should be lenient with him" I state.

"I'm glad I heard that" Ethan says behind me.
I turn around, but he's already gone.
"Eth?" I say vainly.

sorry if this is short, click the star if you want more chapters!

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