A g a i n

28 7 6

Tagged by sarahomotoye1 And I'm tagging 5 people so deal with it_HunnyBunny _gaysbian garenceshipper Azeki_Wisp MoonShadow1230

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Tagged by sarahomotoye1
And I'm tagging 5 people so deal with it


1) My nickname
I have a lot of nicknames, but I'll go with the one I'm called the most


Yeah I know blame my best frien

2) My eye colour
I got blue eyes

3) My hair colour
I'm blonde

4) One fact about me
One fact about me, huh? I— um...
I can't think of anything...
J-just go read my other tags you'll find something there

5) Favorite colour
My favorite colour is purple and then yellow

6) Favorite place
I've talked about this before, but I like the bathroom floor

7) Favorite Celebrity
Elon Musk (I'm sorry I had to)

8) Favorite Animal
Foxes, Cats and Snakes.

9) Favorite song
I don't have a favorite song, so I'll just show you what I'm listening to right now

10) Favorite book

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