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♦Tyler's POV♦

With the amount of time I've gotten drunk in the past few weeks, you could honestly call me an alcoholic.
I was currently on my 6th shot of whiskey, sitting at the dining table with the guys all around me, joking around and getting absolutely hammered.

So uh, I guess you're wondering how I got here? At a huge ass party sitting directly across from the love of my life?
We, I guess it started when...

"Awh come on Ty! It won't be any fun without you there!" Craig had whined, having an absolute sook over the fact that Tyler refused to come to Evans party this weekend. "Honestly! It'll do you some good to get some booze in your bloodstream, you're way too stressed lately-" "For fucks sake Craig! Just shut up! I'm not stressed, I'm perfectly fine, and you need to STOP NAGGING ME, I ALREADY SAID NO." Tyler had interrupted, getting pretty pissed. "But Ty, Evan has something big planned, and besides, this is the one time pretty much the whole group gets together-" "The whole group?" Ty interrupted yet again. "Yes!! Can you please just come along? It'll be boringgg-" "Fine! God stop being such a whiny bitch Mini-"

So there you have it, that's why I'm at this lame ass party, surrounded by flaming homosexuals, awaiting the dreaded surprise the Canadian bitch boy Evan had in store for us all.
I swung my gaze towards the couch where Evan was standing on the armrest, barely balancing and trying to tap a wine glass with a plastic fork to make everyone pay attention.
Evan yelled at the top of his lungs, making me cover my ears along with a lot of the others, apart from Brian and David, who were giggling uncontrollably like the little wingnuts they are.

Evan suddenly swerved, reverting my attention back towards him, "I Have an ANNOUNCEMENT-" He- well, announced, then he pulled another man up beside him and linked arms, "ThiS, is the FAMOUS. H2O DELERIOUS!! WhooO EVERYBODY CHEER-" Oh my god he was even more wasted than me-
Craig yelled out "EVAN YOU TWAT, THAT'S SCOTTY-"
Evan looked at a terrified, (and surprisingly sober-) Scotty, before turning to the gathering "crowd" of people, "So it is!! Well uh, That's Jon over there!!" He pointed at Craig, making me snort like the delicate flower I am and making Craig facepalm so hard it would've left a mark.
I yelled out to Evan, "Why don't you show us tomorrow when we all know what we're doing?? We probably won't even remember what he looks like after we sober uP-" I ended the statement with a loud hiccup, and Evan nodded, "Aight! We'll reveal the gigglebitch tomorrow morning!! Party on you animals!!" He shouted, falling into the crowd, probably breaking a bone doing so.

I shrugged and continued on with my slightly awkward uncle dancing and i shuffled towards the two drunk Irishmen. "Wassup homies??" I said, slinging my arms over their shoulders and grinning at them lazily. Brian beamed, wrapping his arms around my waist in a bear hug that squeezed the wind outta me. David merely gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze, probably because he looked so hammered that he was about to fall asleep, under normal circumstances he would have legitimately slung me over his shoulder to show off his big-tall-manly-man strength. But right now he looked like a ghost, pale, sick, and clueless. I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and helped him up, bringing him to his feet I walked towards the stairs, trying to get up the first step but failing completely as David stumbled sideways. I tried to pick him up but almost got a concussion doing so, I couldn't figure anything out except maybe using the downstairs bedroom, I'd explain to Evan in the morning, but for now I had to get this drunkard to bed. As I layed him down and pulled a blanket over him, he gently grasped my forearm in a surprisingly stable grip. He croaked out the words, "Stay- please-" with a really sad look.
I sighed and sat next to him, opting to only stay until he fell asleep, but he managed to pull me down so that he was snuggling into my back. I tried to escape the super deadly grip of "He's going to hate me in the morning-" but no dice. So I simply layed with him and tried to get a good night's sleep.

Man this headache is gonna suck in the morning.
G'day G'day gorgeous people!!
So yeah! I remade my old story, and I must say I'm quite impressed with my improvement so far, but there's always room for improvement, so leave a comment! Don't be afraid to tell me if I've made any grammatical errors or whatever, and I'll get onto fixing that right away!

Anywho! I hope you enjoyed!

Word count: 830!

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