~Study Session, Gone Gay?~

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Authors note: In advance I apologize for any misspelling or any illiterate sentences, I'm still sort of new to the whole writing ordeal..//

~Authors's P.O.V.~

          As usual the hot headed blonde was screaming at the red head as they tried to work out a math equation. "NO YOU IDIOT! IT'S 12x - 4 SQUARED!!" Bakugou yelled as he smacked the boy with a rolled up piece of paper. Kirishima flinched a bit, slightly using his quirk to avoid the harm from Bakugous hard hits. For a piece of paper, the hot head made it feel like a pipe. 

         As the boys calmed down and finished their study session, they began heading to the local café, where they went every day since Bakugou started tutoring the red head. As they entered the café, Deku, who was working at the time, shouted out to the two. "KACCHAN! KIRISHIMA!!" Bakugou just angrily rolled his eyes and took a seat, as Kiri politely smiled and waved, "Sup bro" He stated as he sat down and Deku walked over to the table with a notepad in his hand. "What would you two like to drink?" Deku asked as he prepared his pen, tip to the paper. "Water please bro" Kirishima stated as he slightly flexed his muscles to show that he was healthy. Bakugou placed his right hand on the table and spoke "I'll have a soda, any kind" He said not giving a shit about what he got. Kirishima just sat there at the table, every now and then taking a glance up at Katsuki as Deku walked away. They both grabbed a menu and looked through the options, even though they always got the same thing. Kirishima stared up at the blonde and smiled softly. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" Bakugou stated sternly as he looked at the male. "Can I really?" Kirishima chuckled out sarcastically. "No." Bakugou retorted and went back to fiddling with the corner of the menu he was holding. 

      Deku approached the table that the boys were seated at with two cups, one with water, and the other with orange soda. He placed them both down on the table and smiled. "Are you ready to order?" He said as he took out his notepad once again, he wrote in it so much you'd imagine it was another one of his hero/villain notebooks. They both ordered two strawberry macaroons and two mocha macaroons, as usual. "Alright, it'll be right out" Deku walked away to tell the pastry chef to tell him the order.

       Kirishima twirled his straw around in his drink as he sighed thinking. 'How am I going to tell him?' Bakugou noticed the boys anxious movements and rested his elbows on the table, face in both hands. "What's eating at you?" He asked tilting his head slightly at the boy. "Oh, n-nothing in particular!" Kirishima laughed awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "Pfft, what are you hiding?" The blonde leaned his face forward, watching as the red heads face flushed pink "Don't be embarrassed" He said looking at Kirishima slightly smiling. "Um, well-" Just as Kirishima was about to speak Deku came up to the table with their macaroons. "Four Mocha macaroons, and four strawberry macaroons. Two of each for you." He said, seperating the Mocha macaroons in half two on each of the boys plates, and two of the strawberry macaroons on each plate. "Voila!" He chuckled gesturing at their plates and then walking away. "Looks amazing!" Kirishima stated taking a small bit out of one of his two Mocha macaroons. "Mhm, but don't think this gets you out of telling me" Bakugou said sternly, eyeing one of the strawberry macaroons before taking a bite from it. "Ah, yeah.. well, I think I might be gay.." Kirishima muttered shoving the rest of the macaroon into his mouth, avoiding eye contact with the blonde. All of a sudden Bakugou stood up, grabbing his macaroons, and left. He just up and left, no words, no looks, he just left. KIrishima sat at the table awkwardly, did he just ruin their friendship? Fuck.

Yet another authors note: Sorry this chapter is quite short, I'm not the best writer..//

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