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         The next day at UA. The boys are officially in class 2A now, finally in their second year. Bakugou was taking his sweet ass time getting to class, praying to avoid Kirishima, little did he know, Kirishima hadn't really left his room since the cafe incident. He had stayed in his room all weekend, not getting up except to pee and eat. In fact, this morning was the first time he'd left his house in three days... He hadn't done his hair at all, not even this morning.. It was lain flat against his head, not spiked up like usual. He was seated at his desk, head down, every now and then he'd let out a heavy sigh, his eyes were still red and puffy from crying all weekend, he'd lost his best friend, just because of a stupid sexuality... Deku sat at his own desk, looking at Kirishima, he knew something was wrong but didn't want to bother him. The girls and Denki were all in the corner, chatting away, Iida and the other boys at their own desks, Mineta was fast asleep on his. Todoroki walked into the room, heading over to Deku and slapping his hand down on the green haired boys desk to snap him out of his trance. "O-oh hi Todoroki~Kun!" Deku stated smiling as he looked up at the male. "Hey babe," Todoroki paused as he heard Kirishima let out a sigh, "What's up with him?" He pointed a thumb at the red head with his head down. "I don't know.." As Deku replied to the boy, Bakugou entered the room right as the bell rang. "I'm too tired for class today, so just discuss yesterdays quiz" Aizawa stated as he zipped up his yellow sleeping bag. "You're always tired." Katsuki popped off and rolled his eyes. "And you're always a little bitch." Aizawa retorted, not caring that he had just cursed at a student. "Dickhead" Bakugou mumbled and took his seat in front of Kirishima, not sparing a glance at him. 

         After about 15 minutes had passed, Kirishima raised his head off of his desk, his eyes still watery. Everyone let out a slight gasp at the sight of the boy, his hair down, and his puffy eyes. "KIRISHIMA WHAT HAPPENED!?" Iida questioned standing up and walking over to the boys desk, worried as hell. "Nothing.." Kirishima said as he picked at the dry skin on his elbow. "Don't tell them it's nothing" Bakugou muttered slamming his fist down on the desk. He hot up and turned at the boy. Kirishima looked up at him and started to cry. Katsuki felt his heart skip a beat as he shook his head. "His dog died.." Bakugou said sitting back down and crossing his arms. Kirishimas eyes widened at the males sentence. Did Bakugou just protect his case? Why did he do that for him? Kirishimas face flushed and he looked down. Deku came trotting over, holding Todorokis hand. "I'm so sorry Kiri..." He said letting go of the other males hand and hugging Kirishima. "O-oh, it's gonna be okay, it was just a d-dog" Kirishima said trying to play it off. "Ah, well we're here for you dude.." Todoroki said as he grabbed Dekus hand once again. Kirishima shook his head off. "Well, to be honest, I wish I could be as open as you guys are about being gay.." Everyone in the room's eyes widened. Deku tilted his head "What do you mean Kiri?" Kirishima stood up and threw his hands up into the air. "I'm fuckin' gay" He said in an exausted tone. Bakugou burst out laughing. "And I was the first to know?" He asked standing up to face the red head. "Well, yeah.. I thought I could trust you the most, but telling you only made me lose you.." Everyone in the classroom was silent, except for the occasional snore from grape boy in the back. 

           Momo stepped up to Kirishima and smiled. "I'm glad you told us Kirishima.. So, I have a secret too!" She paused as everyone looked at her. "I'm dating Uraraka..." She said looking down and rubbing her arm nervously. Everyone else looked around the room for the bubbly girl, she was nowhere in sight, looks like she was absent today... "Well shit.." Bakugou said throwing his arms up in to the air. "This is just confession day, huh?" Katsuki turned away angrily stomping out of the room. God, why did Kirishimas little confession turn in to everybody's honesty? He needed a break. He headed to the bathroom and splashed some water on his face.

           A few moments later Kirishima entered the bathroom as well, "Bakugou?" The red head inquisitively asked. "What do you want shitty hair?" The blonde angrily asked as he truned around to face him. "Listen, you don't have to be my friend anymore, but I'm sorry.. I'm sorry that I pushed all this information on you so quickly.. And also, thanks.. Thank you for lying for me..." He looked down as his tears fell on to the floor. "Kirishima.." Bakugou looked at the red head.

Author note: YES I LEFT IT ON A CLIFF HANGER, FUCK YOU!! Hope you like it so far though <3//

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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