Chapter 14

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It was raining heavily outside and I was scolding myself for not bringing an umbrella. Well, after all it was my fault. Aunt Stella did say to take an umbrella with me. But my oversmart mouth decided to say that there's no chance it would rain today.

So that's why I was somewhat wet. Some hair strands were sticking with the side of my face and the tingling sensation was irking me to no end. I would've removed them from my face if my hands weren't full with books. I'm supposed to take them to Mr.Hudson.

So lost in my thoughts I didn't notice when Eric, a boy from my year stretched his leg in front of me. I lost my footing and fell on the floor on my face with a thud. The books flew out of my hands in different directions.

My legs and elbows started burning. My eyes started watering as the burning sensation started running through my body.

I could hear those boys laughing at my state. I feel so pathetic. I don't even have the strength to get up and defend myself. All I can do is cry like a freaking baby.


I turned my face at the noise just as a guy slammed Eric hard on a locker. Soon two hard punches landed on Eric's nose.

'Is your leg out of your control? If it is, do tell me. I would love to break them for you. You asshole.' Jared shouted at Eric.

In that moment I realised that the guy who was maybe standing up for me was Jared. It was freaking Jared! Why the hell would he stand up for me?

As if he also realised his mistake suddenly, he looked at me and blinked. Then his eyes again filled with the emotion I was always accustomed to. Hatred.

'Don't you have eyes? You should have the award for the most clumsiest girl walking on this earth who would even trip over a leaf. Pathetic.'

Saying this Jared turned on his heel and started leaving. Before leaving he looked at Eric and gave a cold threat to him which was only meant for him to hear but I did anyways.

'If I were you..I would've looked out for my LEG.'

Eric's face paled and I looked at Jared's retreating back dumbfounded. One of his hand was on his pocket and he was walking casually. As if he wasn't the one who just broke the nose of a guy.

Violet and Alisha ran towards me. Violet grabbed my hand and helped me get up as Alisha started picking those books scattered all over the lobby.

'Are you okay L? Want me to call aunt Stella for you? She would come pick you up.' Violet said in concerned voice.

As if every student was as dumbfounded as me, the whole lobby was dead silent. They were all looking at me with calculating eyes as if they're trying to get their head around the fact that freaking Jared just kinda stood up for me.

When Violet notices my discomfort at having so much attention on me she shouted so loudly so that every person inside out school compound can hear her.

'Is any movie premier going on here? GET THE HELL LOST!'

Everyone starts scattering away when I notice the hardened expression on Alisha's face. During that time my naive brain thought that it was because of the same reason for which Violet's face was hard.

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