Chapter 1- Mosskit

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Mosskit yawned loudly and stretched. Bluestar lay on her side, snoring her head off. She  felt to proud that her own mother was an honoured and remembered clan leader. Stars glittered in her fur. A mouse skittered past on it's four legs, but Mosskit was just tired of it. All the ease, no fighting, she had never had her first battle. She wanted to taste the warm scent of normal forest prey, not just StarClan all around her. She sighed and lay her head on her paws. A pitter of paws told Mosskit that a small cat was coming. A white tom stood in front of her, with a mischievous look on his face. Snowkit. She rolled her eyes. Snowkit always wanted her to play with him.  She shook her head and hissed under her breath. It was like she never got time to herself anymore. StarClan was supposed to be a place of peace and happiness. Snowkit made that the opposite. She turned her head away from the white kit. Snowkit growled.
"I have been playing every day with you! Can't you find someone else to play with?" Mosskit hissed.
"But you're my only friend!" Snowkit whined. A pattern of pawsteps told her another cat  was approaching. The scent hit her like a monster. It was Stonefur.
"What are you two furballs up to?" The Gray Tom asked. His eyes sparkled with amusement.
"This mouse-brain won't leave me alone!" Mosskit moaned, pointing her tail at where Snowkit stood. Stonefur rolled his eyes.
"He just wants to play," He grumbled. They had had this conversation many times before. "Now Mosskit, please follow me," He meowed and raised his tail, obviously not wanting any questions. Mosskit reluctantly followed.
They stopped in a shady clearing, where there were many mice and quite a few rabbits.
"Now Mosskit, I know how much you want to be back with the clans," Stonefur began, and Mosskit felt very confused at what he was getting at. "StarClan has been working on a project for quite some time now."
Mosskit tilted her head.
"They have been working on making a cat be able to be reincarnated as another cat, as a kit," The Gray Tom continued, "And we were hoping that you could be the first one to try it!"
Mosskit stared in shock at her brother. Be able to be with the clans?
"Yes, you shall be able to be back in the clans, Mosskit," Her sibling mewed with delight, "We will not, because we already have lived," Stonefur meowed, his meow a bit deeper and more somber than before.
"I'm sorry Stonefur," Mosskit mewed.
"It's ok, we already had our time in the clans, and now you shall too!" Stonefur replied with a more cheerful tone. "Now let's go!"
"Right now?" Mosskit asked in amazement.
"Yes!" Stonefur replied excitedly.
It took about an hour to get to the project. It was covered in thick wrapped ivy tendrils and leaves, so the siblings could not see what lay underneath. She padded forward and testily prodded the tendrils. She felt some whirring and weird noises were coming from the object. Stonefur pulled her back.
"Don't touch it until it's ready," Mosskit's brother told her, "Because you might be given back too early, and your still in a belly."
A belly? What does he mean?
"You'll be reborn, made into another cat. Right now Duskfur is expecting kits, and you shall be one of them," Stonefur explained, as if he could read her mind. Mosskit's mind reeled. So much information!
"Behold, the only machine that can make as many spirits as it wants, back into real cats," Crookedstar, Tallstar, Nightstar, and Bluestar yowled together. Mosskit blinked. When did her mother get up? She shrugged. Swiftpaw, Duskpaw, Nightkit, Hopekit, Mistkit, Hollykit, Badgerfang, and many other young StarClan kits and apprentices gathered around to see the unveiling. Bluestar and Tallstar each took ahold of one side, and gripped it with their claws. The ivy tendrils started to creak. All of a sudden, Ripp. The cover was in pieces, lying in the green grass of StarClan's territory. All of the cats gasped. A large shiny machine lay in front of them, nearly as blinding as the moonstone at Moonhigh. A lever with a big red end was on the side, and it was small enough that a cat could grip it. She couldn't believe her eyes. A cat pushed her forward with a sweep of it's tail. Mosskit just stared, and started to back away. Stonefur's tail rested on her shoulders.
"It'll be okay," Stonefur meowed encouragingly, "The worst that could happen is your spirit dies and you never see your mother again!"
"Whaaaaaa?" Mosskit yelped, "I'm not doing this then!" She yowled. The apprentices and kits issued and growled at Mosskit's brother.
"But you must," Bluestar padded forward, and looked with narrowed eyes at Stonefur, "We have been working on this for seasons upon seasons, and we have tested it on Cinderpelt, so it will work on you," She gestured for Mosskit to step forward. But Mosskit held her ground.
"But what if Stonefur is right? What if I die? Again?" Mosskit mewed nervously.
"Stonefur is not right, and he never is," Bluestar meowed, amusement bubbling in her eyes.
"Ok... I'll try, but blame yourselves if I die again!" Mosskit announced, and cats howled in agreement and encouragement. She stepped forward, into the hole that had opened up on the machine. All of a sudden she saw a blast of memories. Freezing cold snow, blizzards, then she felt the warm milky smell. Sucking milk out of her mother, only knowing the cold leaf-bare winds, and freezing over when the winds were too icy. StarClan shimmered, and disappeared for a moment. All of a sudden all of her memories faded away. She was left with blackness...
She wailed as she was pushed out of her mother's belly. She was licked as they washed her off and made her stronger. Her mother purred, but it didn't last long. She wailed as her next kit came out, bumping onto her. She mewed with a wail as a soft tongue licked her. She was now officially a kit of RiverClan.
6 Moons Later...
Mossykit padded up to the Willow Stump.
"From this day on until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Mossypaw," Mistystar meowed to the Clan, "Your mentor shall be Mallownose."
Excitement rushed through Mossypaw. She was now an apprentice of RiverClan! And her mentor was a talented warrior that was very nice and caring. All of a sudden she saw a flash of blue. It was in the shape of a cat. She shook her head. But that blue cat kept coming back. She kept getting a clearer picture, a blue-Gray she-cat with piercing blue eyes. Bluestar. The name flashed in her mind. She leaped back, and accidentally stepped on Mallownose's tail. He jumped.
"Sorry!" Mossypaw mewed guiltily.
"What happened?" Mallownose growled. He touched noses with her, accepting her as his apprentice. She raised her small head to touch her nose with his. They contacted. She put her head down. She looked expectantly at Mistystar. All of a sudden she saw a flash of memories. A blizzard sweeping her over. Mistystar as a small kit, and another gray tom. Stonefur. She stepped back and hissed under her breath as the memories rushed into her head. Snow fell on her head. Mistykit and Stonekit played in the snow. They all mewed in delight. Bluefur has a worried look on her face. She looked expectantly around. Warm milky scents wafted from her. "Oakheart? Where are you?" Bluefur yowled to the howling wind. She growled. Warm scents of the nursery flowed through the air. Brambles covered the entrance. She suckled on Bluefur's belly, while her brother and sister mewed and wailed beside her as they couldn't get enough milk. Milky scents rode on the air. She pushed herself forward, wanting more of the sweet substance. She mewed quietly. Memories flooded Mossypaw's mind. She fought with her brothers and sisters as they grew stronger and play fought outside the nursery. Cats mewed as they tripped over the three kits playing. They mewed in delight. She stepped back. She hissed and growled as memories washed away her other thoughts. Mosskit. The name shone in her mind like the sun.
"I'm sorry Mosskit, but we had to tell you this," A soft meow sounded from behind her. It sounded familiar. "I am Stonefur, once Stonekit, as you saw in your memories. We had to tell you, otherwise you would be just a normal cat, not knowing who you are."
She shook her head violently. She realised that was just a figment of her imagination. I am Mossypaw, an apprentice of RiverClan. She was not some reincarnation of this Mosskit that she had heard of. She realised that she was still standing in the middle of the clearing, with every cat watching her. Embarrassment washed over Mossypaw. Every cat had been staring at her as she realised who she used to be. She looked up at Mistystar. Mistystar stared straight back down at her. She shivered.
"So where are we going first Mallownose?" She asked tentatively. She snatched her gaze away from Mistystar, and gazed at Mallownose.
"Erm, I thought we might do some stalking practice," Mallownose awkwardly answered, looking at Mossypaw with wide eyes.
All of the cats blinked, and went back to their daily life. Reedwhisker started organising the hunting patrols, while other cats cast suspicious glances at Mossypaw.
Mallownose rounded her up with a sweep of his tail. They padded out of camp and Mossypaw found herself in a huge clearing, surrounded by trees and reeds. She pricked her ears up. Far away, she could hear the trickling of running water running through their territory. Mallownose was beside her, gazing around at the RiverClan territory.
"We are RiverClan. We are the most swiftest, most powerful, the strongest clan around the lake. We can hook out fish with one claw and find plenty of prey, even in leaf-bare," Mallownose meowed, pride echoing in his voice. Mossypaw looked up at the warrior. She tilted her head to the side. Mallownose stepped forward, and started walking. Mossypaw followed.
It was nearly sunhigh by the time they had reached the training area. Podpaw and Curlpaw padded beside them, with their mentors leading the way. Mossypaw still had memories flooding her mind, and she often growled under her breath. Mallownose stopped and flicked his tail.
"Mossypaw, follow me," Mallownose meowed, breaking the silence. Mossypaw followed. Mallownose led her to a spring mossy area, where it would be easy to pounce and if she missed, she would not get hurt.
"Now, we are going to try the stalking for catching mice," Mallownose announced. He padded over nearby and picked up a large leaf. "Pretend this is a mouse."
Mossypaw fell into her position that she had seen Hollowpaw practice outside the nursery. She stealthily stretched out her paw and stepped forward sneakily. She narrowed her eyes and fixed her gaze on the large leaf that lay in front of her. She waggled her hindquarters and leaped. She landed straight on the leaf, and dug her claws into it.
"Well done! That was perfect! Now, just stay here so that I can check on Podpaw and Curlpaw," A proud expression was spread across Mallownose's face. She felt happiness rush through her veins. She bounced a little. She had gotten her first catch! Even though it was a leaf, she thought it still counted. She raised her head in pride. Pawsteps sounded from behind her. Mallownose padded towards her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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