I'm a man with standards!

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It's a normal day of recording for Nathan Smith. He's standing in his recording room and records all the single parts of his Undertale Bonetrousle Acapella Cover. His community loved seeing him play Undertale. He played it with his editor BrettUltimus on his gaming channel.

He decided to make the cover, because everyone loved the voice that he gave Papyrus and Papyrus kinda was like him, derpy and funny. 

"This is going to be take A LOT of time!" he sighs and picks up the drum sticks. He already the audio of the song, he just needs to record the scenes in the video.

"I'm going to make the most exhausting part first. I mean, I'm hitting air with a freaking drum stick during the entire song. But it's going to be funny for the viewers!" 

He starts the recording and places himself behind the microphone. He starts to hit the air with the drum sticks and makes derpy faces in the right moment. He acts like a little child, who's got a new toy for it's birthday. During the times that he don't must hit the air he just dances with the drum sticks. As the song finishes and he stops the recording he takes deep breaths.

"Wow, I never thought that this can be that exhausting..."

"Well, now you know why I don't make Acapellas." Andy, also known as Mandopony, appears in the doorway and smiles at the exhausted Nate.

"Say that you don't have watched me during all this?" he asks pleading. He just hopes that, because Andy would mock him for that for 100%.

"Would you feel better then?" he smiles amused and leans against the doorframe. He totally saw everything. Nate just facepalms in disbelief. He actually can't believe that Andy has watched him all the time.

"Hey buddy, when you want, I can leave too, if I disturb or annoy you, say it, I'm totally fine with that." Andy looks worried but also curious. Also when it's so funny to watch it, when Nate doesn't want that he watches him, he respects that and leaves.

"You know, I actually would like a bit of company. I'm a lonely boy anyways." Nate smirkes and throws one drum stick to Andy.

"And for what do I need this?" he asks and shakes the drum stick.

"You're the conducter, ma littl Andy boi!" Nate laughs derpy. Andy just laughs as answer. NAte really knows how to entertain people.

"That's how I love you, ma friendo. So derpy and childish as always." he walks to the camera and looks at Nate with a fake serious look.

"Then now, Mr.Sharp! Let us film that thing!" he raises the arm with the drum stick in his hand and starts the music and the recording before Nate can say something. Nate immediately starts to make funny faces and moves with the single drum stick. He hits the air synchronous with the beat and makes drum sounds with every hit.

"Look there, look there, the living drum!" Andy swings his the drum stick around like a conducter and dances in the beat. Both of them have the fun of their lives. Playing and acting like kids again, like they did in the past.

After almost 3 minutes of just hitting the air, the music stops and Andy stops the recording. Nate just leans forward and lets himself sitting down to the ground, where he laughs and breaths heavily.

"Damn, I feel like I'm in the sports class." he throws the drum stick to Andy, who walks to him and offers him his hand.

"Well, at least you were good in sports and HEY it's healthy!" a smile starts to form on Nate's face. How did Andy know who he was at school, he never told him about that. He shakes the wierd feeling off and it takes Andy's hand.

"At least the most exhausting parts are done. Now I just need to stand behind the microphone and say "babadaba ba ba ba" for staight like a half hour." he laughs and shakes his head slightly, while Andy helps him to stand up. Why the hell does he do that to himself?

"C'mon, a half our is nothing and you have me here, so it doesn't get boring for you." Andy smiles and gives him a hit on the back of his head.

"Or is our little Nateyboy tired?" he says with a mocking tone in his voice.

"No, I'm not!" Nate answers in a childish tone. They are like father and son.

"But it's bed time, it's 7 PM!" Andy struggles to remain serious.

"But I don't wanna!" Nate makes a way better job at remaining serious.

"No, you go to sleep!"

"I don't wanna!"


"I DON'T WANNA!" both break out in laughter. It's so childish, but so funny at the same time. This dialogue that Nate and Brett invented while playing "FnaF - The Joy of Creation" just was so old but one of the funniest moments of all time. 

They need some time to calm down again, but as they do, they still have tears of laughter in their eyes.

"Oh, how I missed that dialogue..." Nate sighs and wipes the last tears of laughter out of his eyes.

"But now, my boi! You need to finish your homework! Return to your place!" Andy still laughs and Nate walks to his place with a fake sad face.

"Ok, dad..." he pretends to be sad and places himself behind the microphone. Andy immediately starts the music and the recording and Nate begins to dance again. Andy just laughs at him during the entire recording. He was glad to have such a funny and great friend like Nate.

After they recorded all the scene, Nate sends them immediately to Brett to edit them. He's a great editor, if somebody could make masterpiece out of this scenes, then it would be him.

Nate throws himself on the couch sighing and closes his eyes. Andy sits down next to him.

"Are you okay, buddy?" he looks at Nate, who's apparently daydreaming.

"Nate?" he snips his finger right in front of Nate's face, who flinchs, because of the random snap.

"What? What did you say?" 

"Dude, I asked if you're alright?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I'm alright, I'm just tired, that's all."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure for 100%!"

"Hey, I wanted to say that I go to play a round of laser tag with Shawn and Justin tonight. Do you want to come along?"

"Sure, I haven't been there for a long time."

"Great." Andy looks at the time. It's 8 PM. He made out with Shawn and Justin to be there at 8:15.

"Oh shit! We need to go. Hurry up!" he stands up immediately and runs to grab his stuff and sprints to the door. 

"Come on, Nate!" Nate grabs his stuff as quick as he can and run to the door.

They burst out of the house and get in Andy's car as fast as they can.

"Dammit! Shawn is gonna kill me! He hates when I'm too late!" 

"Don't worry, I will protect you!" Nate gives Andy a hit with his elbow.

Andy answers with a little laugh and steps on the gas pedal and drives out on the streets into the direction of the laser tag store.

Music Videos can have a deeper meaning, you know? (NateWantToBattle story)Where stories live. Discover now