So I know your probably exited about what I found and it's kinda exiting. I found this cool ass solid gold lamp in the forest with leash and I was positive we should sell it. Leash was demanding she gets half of the earnings but I made the point that it was ME who found it so I should get all the money.She was obviously in a mood about it but she was more worried about something else. How we get out. There was no way we could climb up the bridge so we had to retrace our steps.
Again Alysha fit back through the gap with the thorns on and I didn't quite but I didn't really care. I climbed perfectly up the steep hill to get out but leash struggled. She couldn't quite pull herself to the top and before I knew it she began to slip. "LEASH!" I called dramatically. "What Emily!" She said moodily. I grabbed her hand "I'll never let go" *titanic theme plays* *but not copywrited*
I pulled her up and we decided to go back to her place to watch a movie. Stupidly I said I'd watch IT with her. Which is a horror movie. Was that copyright. Sorry I mean she wanted me to watch TIT.
She put it on and just the opening music made me scared. I ended up screaming for her to turn it off and I went home. I can not proudly say that I didn't sleep that night. GOD DAMIT LEASH.
Roommates back in time
HumorAlysha and Emily are back and younger than ever in this story alysha and Emily embark on their journey through high school so you can really see what it was like WARNING THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG STORY