Chapter 2: The Dark Moon

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So, Season 4 is over! It was only 12 episodes, which, let's be honest, is a pain, but no matter. At least we get Season 5 in June/July next year! Also, so sorry about the delayed update, I've got other fanfics, so, yeah!

Chapter 2: The Dark Moon

On the day Chris left, I received something I never thought I’d have the honour of having.  I said my goodbyes to Isaac, something I didn’t want to do at all.  After all of the kerfuffle at the funeral, Isaac’s witty, arrogant and sarcastic side final burst out, and I could see how Allison fell for him. I mean come on, hot, smart, and humorous? It doesn’t get much better than that.

I helped the two pack the car, and just before they were to leave, Chris pulled me aside.  “Listen, before I go, I want you to have something.” He pulled out a gold pendant. I knew what this was; the Argent family heirloom. Well, one of the two.  The first; a silver pendant, had been buried with Allison.  "Chris, I-" "No, I know that Allison would want you to have it.  I do too.  You deserve it.  There’s no other hunter that deserves it more."

“You realise I began training at ten, the youngest recorded? The worst hunter in Argent history?” I asked, crossing my arms. “So? You have more experience." I couldn’t protest, and the chain fell in my hand.  It was a chain of icy, sinister promises, ones I didn’t know if I could fulfil. “For you, and you only, my niece, Collette Argent.”

The world seemed to be very sentimental lately. Maybe those funeral vibes weren't rubbing off on just me.

After the two left, I began to get into my hunting gear. Today was the day I decided to look for Scott and the pack. I had it all worked out. First, I'd go to Deaton, judging from Allison's emails, he'd know where they were going. If he didn't know, I'd go to Sheriff Stilinski. From there, well, I was going to see what the circumstances were.

As much as I hated it, I took a while to get ready. Longer than any of those popular, gossip machines society calls girls these days. It's not my best quality but hunting is serious, with the threat of death, and I don't know about you, but if I'm going to go down, I want two things in particular: to go down fighting and looking dam fine.

Eventually I had wrestled my hair into a braid, with a black T-shirt, pants and jacket, Chris' necklace, my sword and hunting knives.

I changed into my gear, and was about to meet Deaton when the doorbell rang.  I groaned, “You’ve got to be kidding.” When the door opened, I have to say, I’ve never been more thoroughly disappointed in my life.  Sally stood at the door, “Collette, nice to see you.”

It wasn’t Sally that saddened me. It was the two fumbling idiots flanking her. Ben and Sam.  Her closest lieutenants, and my biggest enemies -no- bullies is the better word.  “Not expecting us?” Ben jeered, yellow teeth glinting.  The kid seriously needed to brush his teeth.  I could see the fake set just strolling inside of his mouth.  Sally smiled, she found their humour endearing. Traitor.  “Not expecting anyone?” she asked.  “Actually, no,” I answered, trying to send them back. 

She laughed softly, “You seriously think you were going to live her alone?” I crossed my arms.  “Yeah, so?” “Then your domestic skills are as pathetic as your sword skills,” Sally shoved past me and into the apartment. 

"Now, before anything else, unpack our stuff," Sally insisted pushing past me. "What! But I was just.....urgh, fine!" I'll be your little maid," I sighed, heading to my room. I had to get my headphones in order to block out Ben and Sam. These kids were ruthless, every measure had to be taken.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2015 ⏰

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