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1. Tag 11 people. Umm, Anyone who wants to do this XD
2. Your title must be ' Taaaag. Muahahahaha. ' I've done that..
3. You may not tag the person who tagged you. Okay..
4. Name 2-4 of your favourite characters from all the fandoms your part of. Okay I'm part of lot of fandoms so I'll say a few.. The Beatles: John, Paul, George and Ringo. XD Harry Potter: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Dobby and Hermione Granger. Elementary: Sherlock Holmes, Joan Watson, Marcus Bell and Thomas Gregson. XD Maze Runner: Minho, Newt, Frypan and Winston.
5. List five reasons you joined wattpad. I love reading, Everyone on here is awesome, Some of the books on here are amazing, I get to make friends and I get to share my books with people.
6. List three things you will be doing on Valentine's Day. Eating Steak! Giving loads of cuddles! And decorating with my mum for when my dad gets back from work!
7. List the first three things on your search history. Umm heh... Paul McCartney, John Lennon and Paul McCartney again... Heh....
8. What pets do you have? Rocky... He's my pet rock.. I take him for walks because I'm lonely....
9. Look to your left and list the first ten things you see. A lamp, Fan, Chair, Dressing gown, Leather Jacket, Table, Books, Easter Eggs, Pencils and Two cuddly Monkeys.... Yes, I have cuddly toys....
10. What device are you using to write this right now? My outdated IPad XD