Tip's pov

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Yeah I know what this is... this is what you need to do girl
So so
(Let me hold you)
I been watching you for a minute
Come here so sweet
Your life girl you need me in it
I'm determined to win it
I kno what you need
I kno what's wrong
I kno how to make it right
Everything will be alright much if you

Listening to kween's track in the car outside the trap.
Waiting on my van to pull up.
My phn started ringing.
"Waddup T, where y'all at"I ask my number 1.
Soon's I hear that I kno something's wrong.
"What", I say.
"Somebody robbed the van", he say.
"Are you fucking serious,where they at". Trying to stay calm.
"We all in the back of the club",T say, "The van's here all beat up, folks nem barely mad it out."
Rubbing my forehead, Ight ghee, I'm on my way.
Shaking my damn head driving out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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