Extremely breath taking

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Chapter 2

While we were in the car my mom was explaining how we were going to the hospital, but all that was going through my mind was these four words "did he make it". My mom never told me what happend to him she was only going on about how we were going to the hospital and how it was going to be a big surprise. When we got there the nurse finnaly was going to let me in the room so I ran as fast as I could into that cold white room and two blue beautiful eyes gassing into the light but all I could do was cry because it finnaly kicked in that he was awake, alive and here agian to be my love and to be with me forever. Only these words came out " I miss you soo much " but he gave me a look like he never seen me before. The nurse came in and told us his condition and that was memory loss and all that he remembers is up to his elementry years and that meant ...... he does not remember me. My mom looks at me with her face full of tears saying to me " I never meant for this to happen" as the nurse walks out of the room I go up to him and say " do you know who I am '' he shakes his head so I asked him agian and agian till I finnaly stoped and bursed into tears into my mom as he sitts up and askes me my name bbbut all I could do was cry and cry and cry I thought to my self why would this happen to me not anyone eles but me. He asked me agian but this time I answerd " you should know" but he gives me the same look as in who the hell is she. I turn my head and all I see is Jane, Chris and Collen walk in and all I could think is " how could he remember them and not me was this meant to happen or am I just an unlucky freak?" as he hangs out with all of them in the hospital I start to cry all over agian. Will he ever remember me?

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