Chapter 1

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Authors note:
Hey guys it's Andrea. I'm sorry I probably won't be updating intoxicated again because I felt like it went to shit. However I promise to write this one consistently, after all I feel like it's a much better plot that will be easier to write about. Anyways I hope you understand and enjoy this one more. Okay I'll shut up cause this chapter's long enough already. Love you guys.


Isabel's POV:

The conversations of my friends were drowned out by the tv, vigorously switching channels. It stopped on a news reporter with a little square with a design on it in a box next to her face. The picture seemed familiar to me and got my attention. "This abused drug has now become dangerously illegal all around the United States-" the channel switched again. I sank back into the couch. "Jack, what the hell,"
"It's bullshit," he said with his eyes glued to the television, still searching for something to watch.
I loved all of my friends. But one of my closest friends, Jack Johnson has a douchebag best friend, Jack Gilinsky. He always hangs out with us and we disagree on everything, we fight everyday. It's funny, we grew up together. Me and both Jacks were neighbors and hung out together. Me and Gilinsky used to get along just fine. Then high school happened and he turned into some cocky asshole. I'd rather not associate with him, but he gets us access to the parties, drugs and alcohol which I unfortunately cannot get enough of. So I'm sort of forced to put up with him.
"Isabel, did you save the address of the place that the party's happening at tonight?" my best friend, Elle asked from across the room.
"Yeah I got it saved in my phone," I said rather loudly to indicate to jack that the volume on the tv was too loud.
He didn't seem to care.
"Well we better get going, it's 12:43," Sam looked at his watch and walked over to turn the tv off.
Bless that boy.
"Did you hear that jack? Let's go!"
Jack just groaned and got up. We all walked out the door. Jack was in front of me and he let the door almost slam shut in my face.
Our group consists of me, both Jacks, Sam, Elle and Mandy. We all packed into Jack's jeep and made our way to the party with the help of my phone's GPS.
We arrived at the house where the party was being held. I could already see people throwing up and stumbling around in the front yard. Lovely.
"Who's party did you say this was?" Mandy asked from the seats behind.
Jack shrugged, "Don't know, but there'll be people from school here, you'll be fine," he hopped out and one by one the rest of the group did too.
Mandy was a little bit more afraid, she was fragile and always hesitant to take new drugs, she never drank too much and she made sure no one else but Sammy got in her pants.
Elle was a little more out there. She was very social. She liked to drink and smoke, but also shop and squeal over celebrities. Johnson likes to keep a close eye on her and he protects her so much, it's adorable. But she doesn't even notice.
I would say I'm the most carefree. I'll take any drug, drink anything, hook up with anyone. I don't care anymore, my life can't get any more fucked up than it already is. No one is there for me. You would think Jack would look after me because that's how most even numbered group of friends work but no. We keep a safe distance, we don't care for each other. He has a girlfriend anyways.. not that I'm saying thats what's stopping me from liking him. Nothing is. I just don't like him.
About an hour and a half into the party I already had a couple of boys disrespect me. The patron and weed made it okay. I most likely had my makeup running down my face from the sweat. I had put a small paper square with a design on it on my tongue earlier and I was tripping out worse than ever. It definitely wasn't LSD, it was a completely different feeling. Like, cocaine meets acid and ecstasy. I lost my group and I was now hanging around some couples making out and some kids smoking weed. The entire room was moving and my head felt like it was being pressed together. My ears felt stuffed and my mouth felt dry. I was hallucinating weird ass shit now. Suddenly everyone started to run and look panicked. I couldn't tell if it was in my head or reality, it was happening extremely slow and I recognized some faces in the terrified crowd. I saw a familiar suit. Oh shit it's the police. I wanted to run but I felt like I was sitting in quicksand. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw jack running towards me and pulling me away and out of the house. My head was spinning so bad now all I remember was his sweaty features glistening in the street lights, getting into his car and then it all went black.


I woke up with immense pain in my head. I saw that I was laying down in the backseat of a car. Jack's car. I heard them arguing up front.
"Why would you sell it you fucking dumbass don't you know it's illegal?!" I heard Johnson.
"All fucking drugs are illegal, you sold marijuana!" I recognized gilinsky's voice.
"Okay, but that's completely different, the drug you sold is really bad and very illegal. You should know better than that come on man!" Sam whined.
I heard Elle and Mandy blabbering and whimpering in front of me about how their lives were over.
I slowly sat up and waited for my vision to focus. I opened my mouth to say something but it felt like it was stuffed with cotton balls.
"What are we gonna do now! The police are probably looking for you!" Johnson proceeded to yell at Gilinsky.
"I don't know man, we need to get away, somewhere far, we can't come back," I heard panic and regret in Jack's voice, it even cracked a little.
Mandy began to sob at Jack's words and Sam held her tight.
I tried to speak again but I was trying to process the information and I couldn't think straight.
"Where should we go?" Elle asked quietly.
"This could be our chance to start over," I startled everyone, sense they all thought I was still unconscious.
"She's right, let's start over, we're all 18 now. Let's do something with our lives," jack tried to lighten the mood.
Johnson scratched the back of his head and sighed, "we've always wanted to go to LA,"
"How would we get there?" Mandy sniffled getting a bit excited.
"By car obviously," just as Gilinsky said that, his jeep stopped.
"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me," Johnson said and they all started arguing again.
"GUYS," I yelled and made them shut up.
"Where are we?" Elle said, terror in her voice.
I looked outside and it was pitch black everywhere.
"Guess we'll have to wait until morning to get moving," Jack sighed.


The bright light of the sun seeping through the trees outside penetrated through my eyelids and caused me to wake up. I stood up and noticed jack was gone. I looked behind me and saw him leaning against the trunk. I climbed into the trunk and knocked on the window for him to let me out. He opened it and I stood next to him in silence. The road we were stranded on was completely deserted and surrounded by tall trees.
"Thanks," I said breaking the unbearable silence.
"For what," he didn't even look at me.
"Well.. for bringing me along. You could've left me there," I stuffed my hands in my sweater pockets sense it was cold.
"That's what friends are for," he said with no emotion in his voice.
I turned to him trying to process what he'd just said. I wonder if he still remembers the days we were best friends, or if all those years of smoking wiped it out of his brain.
"Friends?" I said softly.
He turned to look at me and I could tell he was crying. He opened his mouth to say something when suddenly a car began to drive towards us.
"Shit," he said under his breath.
It was a police car.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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