Chapter 1- How it all started

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It all started when I was disowned. Sad, I know, but it will get better. But before I go on, I should tell you why I got disowned. I was considered an odd child.-Not something your parents wouuld be proud of. Long story short, doodles are supposed to do whatever the human wants them to do and I resisted. My parents told me to stop whatever I was doing but one day, I was told to trip on a pebble and faceplant onto the ground while everyone was watching but I simply didn't want to. So I just stepped over the pebble and walked away. That, of course was the last straw. Stickmen started to send me dirty looks everywhere I go.

I went home and found my that my dad was really mad. (must've heard it from his buddies at work. My mom on the other hand was balling her eyes out. My dad told me that we needed to have a talk, which is never a good sign.

I wasn't paying attention most of the time. All I heard was, "Mao mao mao we are very dissapointed mao mao mao I'm sorry son but it's for your own good mao mao mao...."

"Dad, just get to the point!" i said, clearly bored of this conversation. Surprisingly, my mom answered.

"We are disowning you." She blurted out. Those 4 words started haunting me. I was in shock as those words kept on playing in my head. My parents kept on talking but I wasn't paying much attention. They eventually left while I just sat there. Unable to move, unable to think.

By the time it was morning, I was still in the same spot. That's when the sun hit my eyes and just like that, I was out of my shock.

"Ah the sun, it burns!" I exclaimed. Right then, I noticed I really needed to go. So I ran up the staires and knocked down the bathroom door all in a matter of seconds. I felt like a ninja.

By the time I came down the staires, I found all my things packed and stacked at the front door. (Hey that rhymed! :D) My mom and dad, or should I say ex-mom and dad, were standing at the front door. My ex-mom was holding a blindfold in her hand and told me kindly to put it on and get into the van. For some stupid reason, I did exactly what she said.

During the ride to wherever we were going, I asked, " Why do I have to wear a blindfold?"

"Well sweety..." My ex-mom started. " We didn't want you to find your way home, that's all." Ouch that hurt. Even if they used to be my parents, they could've been a little more caring. I mean they were already dumping me on the streets.

Finally we stopped somewhere. I heard a crash. ( Probably from them throwing the boxes out of the car) Then I was shoved out of the car. I heard the car door slam shut while my ex-mom was shouting, "Go go go!!" I heard the tires squeal and before I knew it, they were gone. Just like that. Without even saying goodbye. That's when I noticed, I was still wearing my blindfold.

I took off my blindfold and looked around to see my surroundings. I was in an abandonded field with a lonely tree right in the middle of it. Around the field was a forest that I had no intention of exploring. But because of stupid fate, I would be soon enough.

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