Rider x Goggles

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"Whoo! Yeah!! We totally won that round!" Shouted goggles. The blue team one another turf war at inkopolis. "Why don't we go celebrate at the cafè?" Said specs. "Yeah sure!". The blue team walk il to the cafe and sit down. "I'll order the drinks" said bobble hat. "One hot chocolate for me, a coffee for specs and a soda for headphones. Just get whatever you want" "okay, I will be quick" she said as she left. Ride walking into the cafe. "Hey rider!!" Goggles said waving. "Ugh hey idiot..". Rider ordered a coffee with milk and sat down in a booth. Goggles then sat down beside him with a smile. "Whatcha doin?" Said goggles. "Just chilling.. and Why is it everywhere I am you are here too?" He said annoyed. "Oh idk". Goggles walked away all happy an sat back at his table enjoying his hot chocolate.

Riders POV.

'Why is he always happy? Hes so.. cute. I dont want to say that but it's TRUE to me.'

"Bye rider!! :)" goggles did as he left with his team.

Jeez.. mabye if I be more nice to him he will accept my feeling when I finally ask him out.

(Time~skip till next day)

Goggles POV.


"Grrr sometimes I just wanna... smash my alarm clock". I got up and dressed then went down to eat breakfast. Yum more of my favourite cereal! Then I went upstairs to write more in my diary.
( Dear diary, I can tell today might be an awesome day. I want to go play turf war bug its Saturday so it's a day off. I still can but my team has other plans today. I also cant wait to see rider today. Hes sooo handsome. (I hope he doesnt know that I think that.) I hope one day he'll like me back. But I'm sure that he won't because hes always grumpy.)

"Okay time to get my day started.. I'm going to look for rider!!" Then he ran out looking for him.

Rider POV.

Meh. Saturdays are sometimes boring because there is nothing to do. I wish I could go hang pit with gogg-
"Grr what the squit??!"
"Ooh s-sorry rider.. I was just looking for you!" He said.
Goggles?? I couldve sworn I saw a blush dusted his cheeks.. "Oh okay. Just don't run anymore. You might hurt someone badly." I said.
"Wanna play a 1v1 turf war? I'm really bored." He said boredly. "Okay sure, meet me at the lobby suites up in 30 mins." "Okay!^-^" he said then he ran away.. again -_-.

Time~skip to the battle start)

Goggles mind: oh I'm sooo excited! Finally something to do on one of these boring days.

Riders mind: hmmm should I let home win to be nice?? Naw. Then he'll think I am weak.

Goggles was painting the ground with a scattershot. Rider was using his roller. Rider was busy painting the ground below when goggles suddenly tripped. He fell onto rider..

Riders POV.

'What the hell?? WHERE DID HE COME FROM?!?'

Goggles POV.

'oh no. oh no oh no I'm ontop of him. >\\\\<

Riders POV again

*just realizing the position they are in*
'Wait.. h-he is..'
"Uhhh can you get off??"
"..." *gets if rider* " what was that what were you thinking??". "I-I-


(Kisses goggles. Goggles couldnt resist to kiss back.)

"... 0\\\\0"

"Okay goggles.. want to come to dinner at (SOME SQUID RESTRAUNT) at 9:00 tomorrow?"


"Okay is a date. Cya!"

Time~skip to 30 mins before the date)
Goggles POV.

Okay okay okay... going panick..
Your going on a date with rider.. he asked you out.. and you said.. yes.
(Goggles: screams into pillow)

"Okay! Okay! Just get ready goggles."

(Puts on his clothes and starts to head over to the (SOME SQUID RESTRAUNT NAME) for the dinner with his.. "date".

Time skips again to the- you get it already..)

Goggles sits down at the booth rider ordered for both of them.
Goggles:•\\\\\• uhmm.. hey rider
Rider: Hey goggles.. how did your day go?
Goggles: Good. (I was worrying about now all day.)
Rider: oh okay. I just wanted to tell you that..
Goggles ●\\\\● 'he is blushing.'
Rider: That I love you goggles.. I loved you since the day you pulled my pants down. The way your personality is just amazing.
Goggles: well I love you too rider.. I write about it I my diary. I just think your such a cool guy and I want to be more like you.
Rider: (waiter comes) four shots of beer please.
Waiter: okay. And for you?
Goggles: two tacos
Rider: you are getting two tacos??
Goggles: one is for you
Rider: 2 shots are for you.
Goggles: uhh I dont drink ;-;
Rider: would you drink for me~
Goggles: ... fine..
Waiter: here are yo weird requests!
Rider: (pushes 2 shots to goggles)
Goggles: (eats a taco in 1 minute. Also pushes a taco to rider)

Rider eats the taco and drinks the shots then takes goggles to a motel room to stay the night bc it's totally a good idea if your wasted.

Lemon is next

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